
Open since June of 2012, STC Direct Philly is a leader in direct sales and marketing in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. We partner with large corporations, acting as their liaisons between customers and client. STC Direct Philly personalizes their brand and bridges the gap. The company has chosen to work with use for multiple reasons, but the main two are our commitment to the excellent customer service and our proven to work training methods. A big fear for companies when they outsource their sal... es teams is a fear that, because the productโ€™s success or failure does not directly affect the firmโ€™s success, the team will not treat customers with the same values theyโ€™d want them. With STC Direct Philly, that is never the case. We hold our values to our customers and clients on the forefront. We value integrity and authenticity in everything we do and teach our team the importance of having in-depth product knowledge. STC Direct Philly believes in understanding our customers and how to best help them; we must know everything we can about what we are selling, including what we cannot offer. We believe in "under-promising and over-delivering!" The STC Direct Philly team seeks to help customers and clients simultaneously. We do this by being authentic. Through honest and genuine face-to-face communication, STC Direct Philly has been able to find our clients more quality, long-term customers than any other firm in the area; in fact, we've been named over 15 times as a top sales office! So why did these firms trust us to represent their brand when we are such a young company? We piggyback off sales systems that have 20 years of statistical data behind them. Not only has face-to-face communication been found 34% more effective than email, STC Direct Philly uses training methods that take all the guesswork out of sales. We teach our team everything from the most basic outline of a sales pitch to common objections and how to respond. As our team becomes more skilled, we teach them how to train and develop others. STC Direct Philly focuses on growth with intent, where we believe in constant and never-ending improvement. We push our team to become better and reach high limits and motivate them by offering 100% internal promotions! As STC Direct Philly expands, we want our team to be first in line for promotions. Our job as a firm is to not only be the best for our clients but also for our team. We constantly look for innovative ways to teach our team new skills and increase our companyโ€™s circle of influence. Currently, we hiring in our main office in Philadelphia. To learn more about partnering or working with STC Direct Philly, visit our website at or email us at [email protected]!

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Brand Marketing Direct Sales Management Consulting Sales


King Of Prussia, Pennsylvania, United States

United States

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(484) 808-4747

Email Addresses:
[email protected]

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Current Employees Featured


Justin Sgro
Justin Sgro President & Founder @ STC Direct Philly
President & Founder


Danielle Jove
Danielle Jove Talent Recruiting Manager @ STC Direct Philly
Talent Recruiting Manager



Justin Sgro

Official Site Inspections Semrush global rank: 1.23 M Semrush visits lastest month: 24.71 K

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  • Location: Seattle United States
  • Latitude: 47.54
  • Longitude: -122.3032
  • Metro Code: 819
  • Timezone: America/Los_Angeles
  • Postal: 98108

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