
Opacity is a cloud storage provider that enables privacy concerned people to safeguard their online presence by never requiring personal data, using our proprietary cryptocurrency token, OPQ. The OPQ storage payment token doesn't require personal payment information and is used to pay storage providers in the Opacity storage network. The OPQ token is pegged to a value of 64GB of storage, so provides a stable medium of exchange and value over the long term. When a user creates an Opacity account... , they receive an Account Handle login. The handle is a similar to a private key derived from a randomly generated mnemonic following the bip39 standard, the standard for crypto wallet software. Uploaded files are client side encrypted and sent in chunks for storage to split the files and improve security. When uploading a file, a File Handle is created as a concatenation of 32 bytes (64 hexchars) of random bytes for the file ID, plus another 32 bytes for the encryption key. The file is split into 64kb chunks and encrypted with 256bit AES-GCM using the second half of the file handle as the encryption key. The chunks are uploaded to storage providers through Opacity's backend storage nodes.

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Cloud Storage Cryptocurrency File Sharing Privacy


San Francisco, California, United States

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[email protected]

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Viewport Meta IPhone / Mobile Compatible SPF SSL By Default Google Font API Google Analytics LetsEncrypt Apple Mobile Web Clips Icon Google Tag Manager WordPress

Current Employees Featured


Jason Coppola
Jason Coppola Founder and CEO @ Opacity
Founder and CEO



Jason Coppola

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http://www.opacity.io Semrush global rank: 2.85 M Semrush visits lastest month: 5.68 K

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