
MarketFriends is a social network and information sharing site for traders. MarketFriends was conceptually built on the premise that information, and communication of that information, are primary drivers of profitable trading in the financial markets. Furthermore, we believe that a superior information and communication network has traditionally provided a distinct competitive advantage for Wall Street traders, as compared to independent traders on 'Main Street.' MarketFriends seeks to na... rrow that information and communication gap. As the retail trading community grows larger, it becomes a much greater force in the financial markets. Knowing what the retail trading community is doing is becoming an increasingly important priority for all traders. We are that community! Our network of independent traders across the globe provides the framework for better informed, and thus, more profitable trading. The vast reach of the MarketFriends community increases the depth and breadth of information available to independent traders. From doctors to carpenters to housewives, we are a diverse network of people from all walks of life. A tidbit of information communicated from a factory worker in an autoplant in South Korea, for example, might provide invaluable insight into the Korean automotive industry that a lawyer in New York City might have never otherwise discovered on his or her own. And the information is free! The purpose of MarketFriends is to encourage better communication between independent traders of all financial markets, from all over the world. There are thousands of sites on the web that publish stock quotes and research - we are different! Our primary focus is to promote interaction between members. Share your thoughts with others, and they will more likely share with you! Share your thoughts on our Message Boards and share your charts in our Technical Analysis Forum! Become part of a research team to delegate specific responsibilities to trusted members for more efficient research! Keep MarketFriends chat open on your screen while you trade for real-time information sharing that could potentially make or save you money! MarketFriends is the premiere social network for independent traders on the internet, and an essential tool for any trader, of any financial market.

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Seoul, Seoul-t'ukpyolsi, South Korea

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Peter Shepard
Peter Shepard Founder @ MarketFriends



Peter Shepard

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