
Caliza is a family office promoting entrepreneurship, with a track record of value creation, and with fast and efficient decision-making processes. They strive for long-term value creation rather than short-term profits. Caliza is a Swiss single family office pursuing a globally oriented investment strategy. They are the preferred partner for established small and medium-sized enterprises as well as innovative startups in the areas of manufacturing, energy, real estate, mining and raw materials. They work and invest to ensure that future generations benefit from the continued existence of these companies and their value creation.

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41 55 646 92 29

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[email protected]

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Investments List

Date Company Article Money raised
2022-01-07 Electrochaea Caliza Holding investment in Series D - Electrochaea 36 M EUR
2021-06-28 Electrochaea Caliza Holding investment in Venture Round - Electrochaea N/A
2014-11-06 Electrochaea Caliza Holding investment in Series A - Electrochaea N/A

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