
Buy telegram subscribers Buy telegram members:for add telegram members we have some solutions, the first solution is adding fake members to your channel, this solution is the most popular favorite of our customers because has a minimum drop rate. These members keep on your channel for a long time, usually. The second solution is adding real members with force add, we can add real members on your channel in 2 different ways, add real silent members and real normal members. Normal members can le... ave from your channel and usually have 80% drop rate, but real silent members canโ€™t see your channel, and they can't leave from your channel and have 20% drop rate. Buy views for channel posts if you saw our website u know that we have a Robot for adding views on your channel posts. In this bot, u can send a views order for your post and the bot immediately start adding views. Another feature, in the bot u can set your channel, and after that every post u send on your channel add views automatically Google Play (coming soon): we have an app on Google play for telegram services, you can download it from Google play and use it. The best solution for managing your orders.

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