WeAssemble is a software development firm based in the United Kingdom, Sweden, and India. We are the leaders in offering flexible, on-demand, and cost-effective outsourcing and off-shoring solutions, with over a decade of expertise working with remotely managed teams to accomplish digital transformations throughout the globe. We Strive for Honesty in Everything We Do! We respect the greatest standards of ethics and honesty in all we do, from the talent we employ through the final project delive... ry. Every member of our staff is dedicated to carrying out their daily responsibilities with the highest honesty and openness. And, even when we're working remotely, you can count on us to give it our all to even the simplest tasks. Prioritizing Our Clients Everything we do begins with a customer for us. We're here for the long haul, whether it's to scale up or down your teams and projects, or to propose one model over another. And if there's one thing we've learned over the last decade, it's to listen to our consumers, nurture them, and develop with them! Our daily credo is to deliver on your business objective, and we work hard to achieve it every day. Our Service Includes: Offshore Software Development Outsourcing Software Development Offshore Development Center Dedicated Development Team Development Team Extension
Apps Information Technology Marketing Professional Services Software Web Design Web Development
London, England, United Kingdom
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