uFollow is a free service that connects readers with authors online. The site allows users to search a curated database of articles from blogs, magazines and newspapers and build a stream of content that interests them. uFollow offers both a simple alternative to an RSS reader and a way to search the web for written material. Once users have built a stream, they can choose to consume it on uFollow.com or export it as a feed to their reader of choice. uFollow enables users to break down an... d reorganize feeds in new ways, most notably at the author level. Users can choose to follow the entire feed of a blog or extract only the articles of the author or authors who interest them most. As uFollow tracks the work of authors across sites, authors writing in multiple locations can use uFollow to keep readers up-to-date when they publish a new piece. For authors and publishers, uFollow offers a simple syndication tool and a dynamic replacement for a blog roll. For readers, it offers new ways to refine the content they consume, encouraging deeper engagement between readers and the individuals who influence them online.
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