An advanced tracking and lead distribution platform for affiliates. Been in development in the past year and a half as an inhouse tool to manage the company's affiliate traffic and deal with pain points we encountered on a daily basis. So you might say this is a customer centric tool, as it was not developed after a competitor research, but from the customer (our) real pain points. Existing Today: ------------------------ Quickly and easily connect external websites and landing page with no cod... ing needed, connect with WordPress website with our own WP plugin, build their own landing page in the platform's built-in landing page builder, distribute leads to multiple brands by weights and more. It also updates lead status automatically in the platform, allowing the affiliate to work with even more brands at the same time, by providing them 1 platform to work and gather information on. Future of TrafficBee: ------------------------ We aim to automate the entire funnel from when the visitor leaves the traffic source. Affiliate will be able to choose pre-made marketing funnels by undsutries, aggressiveness and other metrics, and in the click of a button to have a landing page funnel together with a follow up funnel (email and SMS marketing), working for him, earning him money. Once we will have enough data, we will incorporate machine learning to optimize the funnel to the exact user to better his conversion rates and other metrics. To watch a demo of the product, please contact us
Social Links:
Advertising Advertising Platforms Affiliate Marketing Lead Management Machine Learning Marketing Marketing Automation
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Email Addresses:
[email protected]
Total Funding:
150 K USD
Technology used in webpage:
Global Site Tag Elementor Cookie Notice Hello Elementor Outbrain Pixel
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- Location: United States
- Latitude: 37.751
- Longitude: -97.822
- Timezone: America/Chicago