Organizations in Sweden
Name | Industry | Address | |
Royal Overseas League The Royal Over-Seas League (ROSL) is a non-profit organisation with int'l headquarters based in its clubhouse in central London, England. |
Communities | Landön, Skane Lan, Sweden |
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Dorunner Dorunner makes it easy to find and compare quotes from good craftsmen, cleaning companies and service companies. |
Internet, Marketplace | Stockholm, Stockholms Lan, Sweden |
![]() | Tricked eSport is a leading Danish eSport organization |
Sports | Köpenhamn, Vasternorrlands Lan, Sweden |
MTC Scandinavia AB MTC Scandinavia AB provides services for the passenger transport sector in Germany and the Netherlands. |
Transportation | Huddinge, Stockholms Lan, Sweden |
Thorn Thorn Svenska provides Sales and financing of brown and white goods, as well as unsecured loans, to consumers. |
Consumer Goods, Financial Services, Leasing, Rental | Solna, Stockholms Lan, Sweden |
Nutrinovate AB Nutrinovate AB is a Swedish company that develops, produces and sells health products. |
Fitness, Health Care, Wellness | Täby, Uppsala Lan, Sweden |
Jambo Tours Jambo Tours is a tour and travel operating company. |
Hospitality, Tour Operator, Travel Agency | Stockholm, Stockholms Lan, Sweden |
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Collectric Collectric develops systems for measuring, controlling, and reporting electricity, heating, and water consumption in houses. |
Hardware, Manufacturing, Software | Sundsvall, Vasternorrlands Lan, Sweden |
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PrimeWine Group PrimeWine Group is operates as a wine and spirit importer in the Nordic region. |
Food and Beverage, Wholesale, Wine And Spirits | Stockholm, Stockholms Lan, Sweden |
OXE Marine OXE Marine develops and creates diesel outboard products for marine-based vehicles. |
Industrial Engineering, Manufacturing, Marine Technology, Marine Transportation | Helsingborg, Skane Lan, Sweden |
Vetek Weighing Vetek Weighing is a developer and manufacturer of scale machines. |
Industrial, Industrial Automation, Manufacturing, Sales | Väddö, Stockholms Lan, Sweden |
Basetool Basetool offers the market's simplest administration with its image bank and clear statistics. |
Consulting, Information Technology | Gothenburg, Vastra Gotaland, Sweden |
ABC Leksaker ABC Toys is an online store that sells high-quality toys, offers creative toys that are fun for a long time. |
Consumer Goods, E-Commerce, Toys | Danderyd, Stockholms Lan, Sweden |
Animal Animal is a house of creativity that operate in and around product & communication. |
Digital Marketing | Stockholm, Stockholms Lan, Sweden |
P&L Nordic P&L Nordic developes learning tools for organizations and school. |
E-Learning, Education, Software | Hässleholm, Skane Lan, Sweden |
Visit Dalarna AB Travelling in Dalarna is like experiencing a Miniature Sweden. |
Adventure Travel, Travel Agency | Rättvik, Dalarnas Lan, Sweden |
UVA LIDKÖPING UVA LIDKÖPING develops, markets, manufactures and installs high-precision grinding machines. |
Industrial Engineering, Machinery Manufacturing, Manufacturing | Lidköping, Vastra Gotaland, Sweden |
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Odd Hill Odd Hill is a digital media company that produces custom websites and applications. |
Content, Web Design | Malma, Uppsala Lan, Sweden |
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Quixter Quixter is a Swedish startup that created a scanner used to verify purchases. |
Hardware, Software | Lund, Skane Lan, Sweden |
Timewise Timewise is a production and resource planning software. |
Computer, Software, Technical Support | Stockholm, Stockholms Lan, Sweden |
Elbogen Electric Elbogen Electric is a manufacturer of electrical equipment, electrical cabinets, control equipment, control cabinets and control systems. |
Electronics, Industrial Automation, Manufacturing | Malmö, Skane Lan, Sweden |
Rebus Rebus is a booking and accounting system for the travel industry. |
Computer, Software, Travel, Travel Accommodations | Katrineholm, Sodermanlands Lan, Sweden |
Smarticle Smarticle is a Swedish data & network security company providing innovative privacy and security softwares for consumer and enterprise. |
Cloud Security, Cyber Security, Network Security, SaaS, Software | Stockholm, Stockholms Lan, Sweden |
Pixelbite AB Pixelbite AB is racing games for handheld devices with popular titles such as Reckless Racing, Reckless Getaway and Reckless Racing 2. |
PC Games | Helsingborg, Skane Lan, Sweden |
Movvio Movvio is a mobile app that offers TV Show and movie recommendation services. |
Film, Mobile Apps, TV | Malmö, Skane Lan, Sweden |
ZeroAtlas A new generation of interaction designers. |
Apps, Information Technology, Product Design, Software | Gothenburg, Vastra Gotaland, Sweden |
Aliby Aliby offers selected segments for organization with agile competence supply within the framework of IT management services. |
Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP), Information Technology, Project Management | Gothenburg, Vastra Gotaland, Sweden |
ValueOne ValueOne specializes in the fields of supply chain management, purchasing, procurement, resource support and logistics services. |
Logistics, Recruiting, Supply Chain Management | Stockholm, Stockholms Lan, Sweden |
Gari Eco Power Gari Eco Power is a Renewables energy and Environment consulting company located in Arlöv. |
Environmental Consulting, Renewable Energy | Arlöv, Skane Lan, Sweden |
ADACA Authority AB Authority is a digital agency that combines strategy, technology and design to create the best digital solutions. |
SEO, UX Design, Web Design, Web Development | Stockholm, Stockholms Lan, Sweden |
Springtime-Intellecta Springtime-Intellecta is a communications agency that focuses on communications and public relations services. |
Advertising, Brand Marketing, Information and Communications Technology (ICT), Public Relations | Stockholm, Stockholms Lan, Sweden |
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Search Engine Marketing Sweden AB Search Engine Marketing is a Marketing that provides Marketing & SEO services. |
Advertising, Marketing, SEO | Sollentuna, Stockholms Lan, Sweden |
Xeamit AB Xeamit AB is a company which helps maintenance, procurement, construction and document management of Physical assets. |
Information Technology | Linköping, Ostergotlands Lan, Sweden |
Liljengrens Product Liljengrens Product is a supplier and manufacturer of self-regulating fresh air valves. |
Manufacturing, Supply Chain Management | Göteborg, Vastra Gotaland, Sweden |
Bleck Film AB Bleck Film is a production company mainly working with TV commercials, content studio that guides and produces both. |
Film Production, Media and Entertainment | Stockholm, Stockholms Lan, Sweden |
Industrilas Industrilas produce latches, hinges, handles, and seals. |
Electronics, Industrial, Manufacturing, Product Design | Nässjö, Jonkopings Lan, Sweden |
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Unified Remote Unified Remote is a mobile application that turns the users' phone into a universal television remote. |
Embedded Systems, Mobile, Software | Malmö, Skane Lan, Sweden |
Karnov Group Karnov Group is a provider of mission critical information in the areas of legal, tax and accounting, and environmental, health and safety. FRA:3UA |
Information Services, Information Technology | Stockholm, Stockholms Lan, Sweden |
Wavetube Wavetube develops a unique patented solution for producing renewable energy from ocean waves. |
Energy | Göteborg, Vastra Gotaland, Sweden |
Infinigate Infinigate is a value-adding IT security distributor. |
Information Technology, Infrastructure, Network Security, Security | Uppsala, Uppsala Lan, Sweden |
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Hotsip Hotsip AB provides communications infrastructure software. It offers telecommunications infrastructure software and Session Initiation |
Communications Infrastructure, Software, Telecommunications | Stockholm, Stockholms Lan, Sweden |
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Knowly App helping corporate trainers enhance the effect of their classroom trainings by triggering on-the-job training and supervisor involvement. |
Corporate Training | Gothenburg, Vastra Gotaland, Sweden |
Restore IT Restore IT is a distributor of spare parts and tech products. |
Consumer Electronics, Information Technology, Sales | Malmö, Skane Lan, Sweden |
Woolpower Woolpower is a manufacturer of merino wool undergarments and reinforcement garments. |
Fashion, Manufacturing | Östersund, Jamtlands Lan, Sweden |
Insplanet Insplanet is an insurance delegate that provides comparison services in personal finance to consumers. |
Finance, Financial Services, Insurance | Stockholm, Stockholms Lan, Sweden |
Symbiooz AB Symbiooz AB experts in Data-Driven Digital Marketing and work with Data Intelligence, SEO, Analytics, Business Development & Strategy. |
Advertising, SEO, Social Media Marketing | Göteborg, Vastra Gotaland, Sweden |
Lime Technologies Sverige Lime Technologies Sverige specializes in development of CRM systems. |
CRM, Information Technology, Software | Lund, Skane Lan, Sweden |
NGL Energientreprenad NGL Energientreprenad AB works with energy efficiency of properties through adjustment and optimization of heating and tap water systems. |
Energy Efficiency, Water | Partille, Vastra Gotaland, Sweden |
Dametric Dametric specializes in electronics for harsh industrial environments. |
Electronics, Industrial | Segeltorp, Stockholms Lan, Sweden |
Lucky Little Me Lucky Little Me is provides online retail of children's clothing. |
E-Commerce, Internet, Retail | Svedala, Skane Lan, Sweden |
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Pokemall Get your own free shop, collect followers and sell your products fast and simple. |
E-Commerce, iOS, Mobile | Stockholm, Stockholms Lan, Sweden |
Samsa Samsa provides treatment, residential care and educational services for young people with complex mental or behavioural problems. |
Health Care | Stockholm, Stockholms Lan, Sweden |
Opticos Opticos expertise in digital business transformation, procurement, sourcing and advisory services. |
Consulting, Information Technology, Procurement | Stockholm, Stockholms Lan, Sweden |
Business Information Providers Business Information Providers is developing a standard product for data warehouse and business intelligence. |
Business Intelligence, Information Technology | Göteborg, Vastra Gotaland, Sweden |
Bitjoin Bitjoin Studios combine media production, alternate reality game design, and blockchain integration for those that dwell in the Metaverse. |
Cryptocurrency | Stockholm, Stockholms Lan, Sweden |
OptoSweden OptoSweden provides a cloud service and document management services. |
Cloud Storage, Computer, Document Management | Täby, Uppsala Lan, Sweden |
Encitech Encitech is a manufacturer and distributor of electronic components for the industrial sector. |
Electronics, Manufacturing | Halmstad, Hallands Lan, Sweden |
Movomech Movomech is a manufacturer of ergonomic industrial lifting equipments. |
Industrial Engineering, Machinery Manufacturing, Manufacturing, Mechanical Engineering | Kristianstad, Skane Lan, Sweden |
Stay Secure Stay Secure is one of the biggest email and web security cloud companies in the nordics. |
Security, Software | Stockholm, Stockholms Lan, Sweden |
Cogitel Cogitel supplies managed products, services, and bespoke software development of cloud-based business solutions. |
Information Services, Information Technology, Software | Karlskrona, Blekinge Lan, Sweden |
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MWM Media Workflow Management MWM Media Workflow Management offers consultancy and information technology support services to identify development opportunities. |
Consulting, Software | Stockholm, Stockholms Lan, Sweden |
Ringup Ringup provides telephony and IT solutions for companies. |
Information and Communications Technology (ICT), Information Services, Information Technology, Telecommunications | Kalmar, Kalmar Lan, Sweden |
Backtick Technologies Data Science & Big Data Consulting |
Artificial Intelligence, Consulting, Machine Learning, Software | Lund, Skane Lan, Sweden |
PMR PMR is a telecommunications service provider company. |
Mobile, Retail, Telecommunications | Hässleholm, Skane Lan, Sweden |
Ostgotatrafiken Ostgotatrafiken coordinates public transport and plans lines and timetables with bus, train and tram and boat. |
Public Safety, Railroad, Transportation | Linköping, Ostergotlands Lan, Sweden |
Glorious Games Group AB Glorious Games provides creative outlets and lively digital environments for young and stylish communities. |
Online Games, PC Games | Stockholm, Stockholms Lan, Sweden |
Hifab International Hifab International is the leading project management company. |
Project Management | Stockholm, Stockholms Lan, Sweden |
Aranya AB Aranya offers products, solutions & operating services of high quality in network and access management to medium-sized and large companies. |
Network Security, Professional Networking, Satellite Communication, Wireless | Solna, Stockholms Lan, Sweden |
Bengtsfors Kommun Bengtsfors Kommun is a municipality. |
Government, Public Relations | Bengtsfors, Vastra Gotaland, Sweden |
Redmind AB Redmind AB help and fund companies through a new model for entrepreneurship that integrates company building and venture capital. |
Information Technology | Stockholm, Stockholms Lan, Sweden |
BioResonator Good Eye BioResonator Good Eye is a Swedish Medtech company developing, marketing and selling quality high end tonometers using unique. |
Health Care, Health Diagnostics | Umeå, Vasterbottens Lan, Sweden |
Business Control Partner Business Control Partner is a financial firm that provides wealth planning, reporting, business analysis and advisory services. |
Consulting, Financial Services, Venture Capital | Mölndal, Vastra Gotaland, Sweden |
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Mitt Liv Mitt Liv is a social enterprise working for an inclusive society and a labor market that values diversity. |
Communities | Stockholm, Stockholms Lan, Sweden |
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Flowminder Flowminder Foundation is a registered non-profit entity based in Stockholm. |
Data Mining, Geospatial, Non Profit | Stockholm, Stockholms Lan, Sweden |
Löfberg Löfberg is a community to change and improve the coffee industry where there is an exciting coffee culture and finds inspiration. |
Coffee, Email, Food and Beverage, Food Processing | Karlstad, Varmlands Lan, Sweden |
Cubsec Cubsec specializes in providing a comprehensive range of security solutions and services for businesses and the public sectors. |
Cloud Management, Cyber Security, Professional Services, Security | Västra Frölunda, Vastra Gotaland, Sweden |
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Optimal Trader Optimal Trader is a software company developing stock analysis software. The Optimal Trader software combines technical analysis with |
Big Data, Software | Gothenburg, Vastra Gotaland, Sweden |
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MTG Studios MTG Studios is one of the world’s leading producers and distributors of content for TV, printed media and the Internet. |
Media and Entertainment, TV | Stockholm, Stockholms Lan, Sweden |
Storyals Storyals is a learning solutions & adoption services company. |
Consulting, E-Learning, Information Services, Information Technology, Software | Stockholm, Stockholms Lan, Sweden |
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Zaark Zaark is a market leader in mobile VoIP technology. |
CRM, Information Technology, Mobile, Telecommunications | Uppsala, Uppsala Lan, Sweden |
Nordic LEVEL Nordic LEVEL provides safety and security solutions. |
Facility Management, Network Security, Risk Management, Security | Stockholm, Stockholms Lan, Sweden |
Telescope Services AB Telescope is based in Lund, Sweden, and with two decades of experience from delivering consultants and customer adapted software services. |
Information Technology, Software | Lund, Skane Lan, Sweden |
Gone North Games AB Gone North Games, the makers of goat simulator games. |
Computer, Gaming | Stockholm, Stockholms Lan, Sweden |
Swinx SWINX is a software development company that develops solutions for the electronic handling of supplier invoices. |
Enterprise Software, Information Technology, Internet, Software | Malmö, Skane Lan, Sweden |
Max Truck Max Truck is an innovative company that developed a unique multi-way multi-patent truck and high-tech solutions. |
Industrial, Machinery Manufacturing | Frösön, Jamtlands Lan, Sweden |
Stylein Stylein combines a timeless yet contemporary design expression, creating fashion for all occasions. |
E-Commerce, Fashion, Textiles | Stockholm, Stockholms Lan, Sweden |
Uanet Uanet provides datacenter, websites, IT projects, help desk, sales, Microsoft 365, consultation, remote, and on-site support services. |
Consulting, Information Technology, Web Design | Uddevalla, Vastra Gotaland, Sweden |
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PlusFourSix PlusFourSix is a mobile marketing company delivering mobile marketing activities. |
Advertising, Marketing, Mobile | Stockholm, Stockholms Lan, Sweden |
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Snömoln Snomoln provides a platform for buyers and supplies to connect and reduce food waste in the B2B food industry. |
Food Delivery, Wholesale | Helsingborg, Skane Lan, Sweden |
Kontek Kontek renders software, outsourcing, training, consultation, and cloud services in the field of payroll management. |
Accounting, Outsourcing, Software | Ljungby, Kalmar Lan, Sweden |
Proinova Proinova offer clients, own named specialists with a high level of commitment, high availability, solid knowledge and long experience. |
Insurance | Helsingborg, Skane Lan, Sweden |
Boomerang International AB Boomerang International AB produces classic quality clothes for men and women. |
Fashion, Manufacturing, Retail | Stockholm, Stockholms Lan, Sweden |
Loudkult Loudkult is a record label that specializes in music distribution and promote new artists. |
Music, Music Label, Music Streaming | Stockholm, Stockholms Lan, Sweden |
Luxury & Beyond AB Luxury Beyond is the redefinition of luxury tourism and leisure travel, the most extensive information and services in all focus areas. |
Tourism, Travel, Travel Agency | Malmö, Skane Lan, Sweden |
Inphiz Inphiz offers SaaS solutions by incorporating API-driven enterprise tools for various industries. |
Developer APIs, Information Technology, SaaS, Software | Stockholm, Stockholms Lan, Sweden |
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Posiphone Posiphone is an app by using you can View pictures and presentations in real time, directly from the iPhone to the web. |
Apps, iOS, Software | Lund, Skane Lan, Sweden |
Videotech Videotech specializes in offering security systems, building alarms, temporary alarm solutions, and outdoor protection services. |
Electronics, Fraud Detection, Security, Smart Building | Gothenburg, Vastra Gotaland, Sweden |
Cryptify AB Cryptify AB is a telecommunications security company providing Certified encryption of voice and messaging through Cryptify calls. |
Commercial, Telecommunications | Göteborg, Vastra Gotaland, Sweden |
Gycom Gycom offers electrical components. |
Electronics, Industrial Engineering, Mechanical Engineering | Sollentuna, Stockholms Lan, Sweden |
Boneo Boneo is a housing site for buying and selling homes. |
E-Commerce, Internet, Online Portals, Real Estate, Residential | Stockholm, Stockholms Lan, Sweden |