Organizations in Sweden

Name Industry Address
high-sec-hosting-hsdc-ab_logo High Sec Hosting HSDC AB
High Sec Hosting is a company which provides sustainable hosting for a greener tomorrow .
Network Security, Web Hosting Stockholm, Stockholms Lan, Sweden
subset_logo Subset
Subset provides review and advice and system development services to finance, healthcare, transportation, and defense industries.
Computer, Consulting, Health Care, Network Security Stockholm, Stockholms Lan, Sweden
ihe_logo IHE
IHE is a health economic research centre.
Health Care, Medical Lund, Skane Lan, Sweden
fictive-reality_logo Fictive Reality
Fictive Reality is a learning platform and assessment discourse simulator that offers companies and educators educational tools.
E-Learning, Productivity Tools, Software Stockholm, Stockholms Lan, Sweden
weland-solutions-ab_logo Weland Solutions AB
Weland Solutions AB is a provider of solutions for warehouse management and logistics.
Warehousing Bromma, Sodermanlands Lan, Sweden
contur-software_logo Contur Software
Contur Software is a focused software company delivering innovative products and services to R&D organizations worldwide.
SaaS, Software Stockholm, Stockholms Lan, Sweden
eq-cigs_logo EQ Cigs
EQ Cigs is an online store for E-cig, E-cigarettes and e-juice.
Consumer Goods, E-Commerce, Sales Löddeköpinge, Skane Lan, Sweden
ace-options_logo Ace Options
Ace Options is a digital website that provides IT equipment comprising servers, storage, networking, and audiovisual equipment.
Consumer Goods, IT Infrastructure Sollentuna, Stockholms Lan, Sweden
namndemansgarden_logo Namndemansgarden
Namndemansgarden offers treatment in alcohol, drugs, medicines and games all over the country.
Health Care, Pharmaceutical Malmö, Skane Lan, Sweden
compilator_logo Compilator
Compilator is a privately held company for tyre trade and fast fit software solutions in Northern Europe.
Software Malmö, Skane Lan, Sweden
not_available_image Nio Games
Nio Games designs and develops mobile games.
Gamification, Software, Video Games Stockholm, Stockholms Lan, Sweden
brim-ab_logo Brim AB
Brim provides risk management and insurance solutions.
Insurance Stockholm, Stockholms Lan, Sweden
most-b75d_logo MOST
MOST is a provider of real-time cargo monitoring services.
Logistics, Supply Chain Management Danderyd, Stockholms Lan, Sweden
tahoba-sweden-ab_logo Tahoba Sweden AB
Tahoba was founded in 2015 and has since specialized in lead generation online.
Lead Generation, Marketing Stockholm, Stockholms Lan, Sweden
antigo-agency-ab_logo Antigo Agency AB
Antigo Agency AB is the consulting company that offers professional help throughout the change process.
Information Technology Stockholm, Stockholms Lan, Sweden
nxt2b_logo Nxt2b
Nxt2b is a venture capital company focused on investments in healthcare, pharmaceuticals companies, and medical devices.
Biotechnology, Financial Services, FinTech, Health Care, Medical Uppsala, Uppsala Lan, Sweden
svenska-kyrkan_logo Svenska Kyrkan
Svenska kyrkan basic task of all congregations is to celebrate worship, conduct teaching, diakonia, and mission.
Religion Uppsala, Uppsala Lan, Sweden
house-of-saki_logo House Of SAKI
House of SAKI is a fashion company that designs and sells modern, leather and fashion outwear.
Email, Fashion, Retail, Textiles Svedala, Skane Lan, Sweden
volvo-car-españa_logo Volvo Car España
Volvo is an automobile manufacturing company that manufactures cars with electrical, hybrid, micro-hybrid, and gasoline power options.
Business Development, Electric Vehicle, Fleet Management, Manufacturing Gothenburg, Vastra Gotaland, Sweden
n3en-ab_logo N3EN AB
N3EN is a company that provides IT consulting services.
Consulting, Information Technology Huskvarna, Jonkopings Lan, Sweden
infozone-sverige_logo InfoZone Sverige
InfoZone Sverige provides system management, development and BI services.
Business Development, IT Management, Management Information Systems, Software, Virtual Assistant Stockholm, Stockholms Lan, Sweden
nohau-solutions_logo Nohau Solutions
Nohau Solutions provides embedded security, design, and development solutions to increase the quality of software development and testing.
Information Technology, Professional Services, Software Malmö, Skane Lan, Sweden
esali-ebusiness-agency_logo Esali - Ebusiness Agency
esali ebusiness agency is a Sweden-based company that specializes in content marketing and digital communications strategies.
Content, SEO Stockholm, Stockholms Lan, Sweden
wipcore_logo Wipcore
Wipcore Swedish e-commerce solution provider. Increasing our customers total sales through knowledge and technology in e-commerce.
E-Commerce, Information Technology Göteborg, Vastra Gotaland, Sweden
better-shelter_logo Better Shelter
Better Shelter develops and provides innovative housing solutions for the many people displaced by conflict and natural disasters.
Health Care, Information Technology Hägersten, Stockholms Lan, Sweden
hemverket_logo Hemverket
Hemverket is a Swedish real estate broker.
Commercial Real Estate, Consulting, Real Estate Göteborg, Vastra Gotaland, Sweden
sydsvenskan_logo HD-Sydsvenskan
Southern Sweden's leading news provider.
News, Publishing Malmö, Skane Lan, Sweden
vivolux_logo Vivolux
Vivolux is the dynamic creativity of their co-workers.
Biotechnology Uppsala, Uppsala Lan, Sweden
not_available_image InStiro Business Support
InStiro specialises in digital financial flows between agency and company, specialties include cloud services, software solutions, etc.
Accounting, Cloud Computing, Financial Services, IT Management Lund, Skane Lan, Sweden
tandcenter_logo Tandcenter
Tandcenter offers everything from simple to advanced dental care.
Dental, Health Care Umeå, Vasterbottens Lan, Sweden
lw-learningwell-south_logo LW LearningWell South
LW LearningWell South is an Information Technology & Services company located in Helsingborg.
Information Services, Information Technology Helsingborg, Skane Lan, Sweden
cysel_logo Cysel
Cysel is tech-startup founded in Stockholm. The era of a traditional resume is officially over.
IT Infrastructure, Recruiting Stockholm, Stockholms Lan, Sweden
2pint-software-ab_logo 2Pint Software AB
2Pint Software is forcing extra brain power into the network since 2014.
Software Gothenburg, Vastra Gotaland, Sweden
edgeguide_logo EdgeGuide
EdgeGuide is designing and building portals for web publishing, extranets and social intranet.
Open Source, Software Stockholm, Stockholms Lan, Sweden
not_available_image GramBlast
GramBlast is an internet marketing company that offers instagram views, photo likes or instant followers.
Advertising, Marketing Stockholm, Stockholms Lan, Sweden
stri_logo Stri
Stri is a leading independent laboratory specializing in high voltage testing
Energy, Oil and Gas Ludvika, Dalarnas Lan, Sweden
tuve-bygg_logo Tuve Bygg
Tuve Bygg specializes in building homes, schools, community properties, commercial properties project management, and property maintenance.
Construction, Project Management, Property Development Mölndal, Vastra Gotaland, Sweden
enginsoft_logo EnginSoft
EnginSoft is a Computer Software company.
Computer, Consulting, Life Science, Software, Training Lund, Skane Lan, Sweden
wisebee-group-ab_logo Wisebee Group AB
Wisebee is a digital communcation agency with focus on pedagogy, content, experience and technology.
E-Learning Stockholm, Stockholms Lan, Sweden
alkit-communications_logo Alkit Communications
Alkit Communications is a Swedish research and development company focusing on technology and concepts for data collection.
Analytics, Data Integration Mölndal, Vastra Gotaland, Sweden
mmp-e0f1_logo MMP
MMP specializes in delivering customized system solutions.
Consulting, Information Technology Malmö, Skane Lan, Sweden
gastro_logo Gastro
They also have two good friends who promised to hunt us to gastronomic heights.
Restaurants Helsingborg, Skane Lan, Sweden
daloc-ab_logo Daloc AB
Daloc AB designs, manufactures, and markets secure doors for the protection against accidents, nuisance, and disaster.
Industrial, Manufacturing Töreboda, Vastra Gotaland, Sweden
humanova_logo HumaNova
HumaNova is an educational institute for personal and organizational growth.
Consulting, Education, Personal Development, Personal Health Stockholm, Stockholms Lan, Sweden
not_available_image Orndata
Orndata provides web hosting and software development services.
Computer, Software, Web Development, Web Hosting Örnsköldsvik, Vasternorrlands Lan, Sweden
jula-norge_logo Jula Norge
Jula Norge retails tools, machines, paint, construction materials, electrical items, lighting, equipment, clothing, and garden supplies.
Construction, Home and Garden, Lighting, Retail Skara, Vastra Gotaland, Sweden
skibar-systems_logo Skibar Systems
Skibar Systems offers store rental, web booking, ski school and activity management and CRM support for customer processing.
CRM, Information Technology, Software Orsa, Dalarnas Lan, Sweden
exensor-security-international-ab_logo Exensor Security International AB
Exensor Security International AB focus on customer needs by adapting our solutions to meet their specific requirements.
Cyber Security, Information Technology, Manufacturing, Semiconductor Lund, Skane Lan, Sweden
city-network_logo City Network
City Network provides IT infrastructure, cloud computing, technical documentation, data handling and security services.
Cloud Computing, Document Management, IT Infrastructure Karlskrona, Blekinge Lan, Sweden
swedish-chemicals-agency_logo Swedish Chemicals Agency
The Swedish Chemicals Agency (KemI) is the driver in efforts to attain a non-toxic environment.
Association Sundbyberg, Stockholms Lan, Sweden
adtoma_logo Signia Media Technologies AB
Signia Media is an independent and privately held online advertising and media management company.
Advertising, Media and Entertainment, Presentation Software, Software Stockholm, Stockholms Lan, Sweden
mandel_logo Mandel
Mandel is a consulting and marketing company for high quality brands in sports, outdoor, travel, adventure, health, technology and retail.
Marketing, Public Relations Stockholm, Stockholms Lan, Sweden
relacom_logo Relacom
Relacom is a Telecommunications platform.
Construction, Information Technology, Telecommunications Solna, Stockholms Lan, Sweden
rapid-sakerhet-ab_logo Rapid Säkerhet AB
Four cornerstones why you should choose as Rapid Innovative safety and security partners.
Information Technology, Security Sundbyberg, Stockholms Lan, Sweden
ro-gruppen_logo RO-Gruppen
RO-Gruppen provides Entreprenad, concept, store establishment, housing, property development, and construction services.
Construction, Property Development, Real Estate Borås, Vastra Gotaland, Sweden
solkraft_logo Solkraft
Solkraft offers installation and servicing of solar cell solutions for villas.
Solar Mölndal, Vastra Gotaland, Sweden
jens-s-transmissioner_logo JENS S.Transmissioner
Jens S Transmissions delivers transmission solutions in collaboration with suppliers.
Industrial Automation, Machinery Manufacturing, Manufacturing Norrköping, Ostergotlands Lan, Sweden
not_available_image Dustcontrol
Dustcontrol manufactures portable dust extractors and industrial extraction systems with uses in many different commercial applications.
Computer, Electronics, Manufacturing Norsborg, Stockholms Lan, Sweden
not_available_image Stena Fastigheter
Stena Real Estate is part of the Stena Sphere , and is one of Sweden 's largest privately owned property.
Real Estate Gothenburg, Vastra Gotaland, Sweden
not_available_image Coca-Cola Enterprises Sverige AB
Coca-Cola Enterprises Sverige AB manufactures, distributes, sells non-alcoholic beverages.
Food and Beverage, Manufacturing Haninge, Ostergotlands Lan, Sweden
wallander-instruments_logo Wallander Instruments
Wallander Instruments produces well-optimized modelled instruments.
Musical Instruments, Retail Älvsjö, Stockholms Lan, Sweden
ticmate_logo Ticmate
Ticmate offers a wide range of tickets for various events such as tourist attractions, transportation, shows, football around the world.
Leisure, Ticketing, Tourism Stockholm, Stockholms Lan, Sweden
fhr-parts-ab_logo FHR Parts AB
FHR parts AB is a company which Electronic parts supplier.
Electronics, Supply Chain Management, Telecommunications Stockholm, Stockholms Lan, Sweden
sensabues-ab_logo SensAbues AB
SensAbues has the ultimate technology for drug testing non invasive and non intrusive!.
Biotechnology, Health Care, Medical Sollentuna, Stockholms Lan, Sweden
foodmark-d415_logo Foodmark
Foodmark produces and markets several of Sweden's most famous and beloved foods in the categories of salads, sauces, dressings.
Food and Beverage, Food Delivery, Food Processing Sundbyberg, Stockholms Lan, Sweden
laddstoppet_logo Laddstoppet
Laddstoppet is best-selling products, with modern, high-quality design that charge electric car easily.
E-Commerce, Electric Vehicle, Electronic Design Automation (EDA), Email, Mechanical Design, Product Design Falkenberg, Hallands Lan, Sweden
graphene-flagship_logo Graphene Flagship
The Graphene Flagship is a Future and Emerging Technology Flagship by the European Commission.
Information Technology Gothenburg, Vastra Gotaland, Sweden
recondoil-sweden-ab_logo RecondOil Sweden AB
RecondOil Sweden AB offers a closed circle for the use of industrial lubricating oil, based on surface chemical separation technology.
Environmental Consulting, Industrial Frösön, Jamtlands Lan, Sweden
worktasker_logo WorkTasker
Worktasker is an online marketplace that lets households and businesses hire service providers for home and office related services.
Human Resources, Recruiting, Staffing Agency Uppsala, Uppsala Lan, Sweden
pritek-ab_logo Pritek
Pritek is an IT consultancy that specializes in software development, hardware, finance and technical procurement support.
Consulting, Finance, IT Management, Software, Technical Support Hässleholm, Skane Lan, Sweden
datscha-sweden_logo Datscha Sweden
Datscha AB is a world-leading software as service provider
Software Stockholm, Stockholms Lan, Sweden
clarobet-ab_logo Clarobet AB
Clarobet is a small team of specialists in the areas of software creation, online marketing and sports betting.
Information Technology, Software Umeå, Vasterbottens Lan, Sweden
vitsab-international_logo Vitsab International
Vitsab International is a research and development company that designs and builds time temperature indicators.
Biotechnology, Health Care, Manufacturing Limhamn, Skane Lan, Sweden
solvina_logo Solvina
Solvina is an analytical services in power engineering,
Energy, Oil and Gas Västra Frölunda, Vastra Gotaland, Sweden
intendia-group_logo Intendia Group
Intendia Group is an education provider with its portfolio of twelve strong, independent brands with educational establishments.
Education, Higher Education, Professional Services Stockholm, Stockholms Lan, Sweden
netsecure-sweden-ab_logo Netsecure Sweden AB
Netsecure is a swedish IT/Information Security specialist, providing secure solutions to reduce complexity, enhance security & reduce costs.
Information Services, Information Technology, Security Kista, Stockholms Lan, Sweden
syntagon_logo Syntagon
Syntagon is a Scandinavia-based drug development and chemical manufacturing company.
Biotechnology, Manufacturing, Pharmaceutical Södertälje, Vasternorrlands Lan, Sweden
orkla-it-ab_logo Orkla IT AB
Orkla IT AB is the Nordic region's leading player in brands and concept solutions for the grocery trade and catering.
Food Processing Malmö, Skane Lan, Sweden
carnegie-fonder_logo Carnegie Fonder
Carnegie Fonder is a fund management company that invests long-term in future-proof companies to create financial security.
Finance, Financial Services, Funding Platform Stockholm, Stockholms Lan, Sweden
not_available_image Albatros
Albatros is an european literary agency.
Film, TV Stockholm, Stockholms Lan, Sweden
tele2-iot_logo Tele2 IoT
Tele2 IoT is a company which efficiently delivering connectivity and IoT enabling services .
Telecommunications Stockholm, Stockholms Lan, Sweden
mavshack-ab_logo Mavshack
Mavshack invests in companies which focus on digital distribution. NASDAQ:MAV
Content, Management Consulting Stockholm, Stockholms Lan, Sweden
the-son-karl-hedin_logo The Son Karl Hedin
The son Karl Hedin is a building material wholesaler company.
Building Material, Construction, Wholesale Örebro, Orebro Lan, Sweden
proesse-ab_logo Proesse AB
Proesse AB specialists in change management in companies and the public sector.
Consulting, Project Management, Sustainability Kärra, Vastra Gotaland, Sweden
glitter-_logo Glitter
Glitter is an e-commerce site that provides jewelry, hair accessories, sunglasses, and beauty products.
E-Commerce, Fashion, Retail Stockholm, Stockholms Lan, Sweden
kaplann_logo Kaplan
Kaplan is a Customer Management firm.
Marketing Stockholm, Stockholms Lan, Sweden
not_available_image Gapminder Foundation
Gapminder is a non-profit venture – a modern “museum” on the Internet
Information Technology Stockholm, Stockholms Lan, Sweden
coresonic_logo Coresonic
Coresonic delivers small and low-powered digital signal processing (DSP) cores for wireless baseband applications.
DSP, Hardware, Software Linköping, Ostergotlands Lan, Sweden
region-jämtland-härjedalen_logo Region Jämtland Härjedalen
Region Jämtland Härjedalen is a government organization that provides education, business, entrepreneurship, dentistry, and advice services.
Advice, Education, Training Östersund, Jamtlands Lan, Sweden
ipool_logo Ipool
Ipool is a user-friendly application that supports workforce management to manage efficient staffing and employee communication.
Facilities Support Services, Information Technology, Software Stockholm, Stockholms Lan, Sweden
lux-case_logo Lux-Case
Mobile Phone Accessories Company
E-Commerce Malmö, Skane Lan, Sweden
belgomilk_logo Belgomilk
Belgomilk offers a variety of dairy products and services.
Food and Beverage, Service Industry Källö, Vastra Gotaland, Sweden
emric_logo Emric
Emric is provider of solutions for credit processing and asset finance.
Financial Services, Software Stockholm, Stockholms Lan, Sweden
codekick_logo CodeKick
A small software company located in the heart of Gothenburg, Sweden.
Information Technology, Software Göteborg, Vastra Gotaland, Sweden
not_available_image Biophausia AB
Biophausia AB is a pharmaceutical company, develops and sells prescription medicines in the Nordic region.
Biotechnology, Medical, Pharmaceutical Stockholm, Stockholms Lan, Sweden
brandbee_logo BrandBee
BrandBee , Marketing that gives you more leads
Advertising, Marketing Stockholm, Stockholms Lan, Sweden
office-it-partner_logo Office IT-Partner
Office IT-Partner is an information technology and services company.
Information Services, Information Technology Solna, Stockholms Lan, Sweden
betalguiden_logo Betalguiden
Betalguiden is a B2B service provider that offers a comparison service for card payments, card fees, card terminals, and payment solutions.
Debit Cards, E-Commerce, Financial Services, Information Services, Mobile Payments, Payments Stockholm, Stockholms Lan, Sweden
statbot_logo Statbot
One-click business & growth analytics for Intercom
Analytics, Business Development, Service Industry Falköping, Vastra Gotaland, Sweden
front-end_logo Front End
Front End is a Management and IT consultancy company.
Consulting, Information Technology Linköping, Ostergotlands Lan, Sweden