Organizations in Sweden
Name | Industry | Address | |
Paragaia Paragaia is a tech company that provides technical solutions for marketplaces and platform business models to achieve their goals. |
Business Development, Information Technology, Marketplace | Stockholm, Stockholms Lan, Sweden |
Adaptive Media Adaptive Media is a digital media, web design and software development company. |
Consulting, Software | Stockholm, Stockholms Lan, Sweden |
Xlash Cosmetics Xlash Cosmetics offers a comprehensive collection of beauty products such as serum to stimulate the growth of eyelashes and eyebrows. |
Beauty, E-Commerce, Retail, Shopping | Stockholm, Stockholms Lan, Sweden |
Stylt Trampoli Stylt Trampoli is a concept development, interior architecture, design and marketing company that specializes in the hospitality industry. |
Architecture, Hospitality, Marketing | Göteborg, Vastra Gotaland, Sweden |
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Intentia International Intentia International is a software company, provides business applications for services, manufacturing, distribution. |
Enterprise Software, Software | Danderyd, Stockholms Lan, Sweden |
Xzakt Kundrelation Xzakt Kundrelation is a telecommunication firm that offers customer service, digital development. exchange and answering services. |
Customer Service, Social Media, Telecommunications | Stockholm, Stockholms Lan, Sweden |
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Paperton Paperton is a Swedish web portal that enables its users to buy and sell magazines in digital formats. |
News, Online Portals | Karlstad, Varmlands Lan, Sweden |
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Consulting, Real Estate | Stockholm, Stockholms Lan, Sweden |
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LOOP PDS LOOP PDS is your free career development platform. Build your career path, get relevant News. |
Apps, Information Services | Stockholm, Stockholms Lan, Sweden |
Sweratel Sweratel has develops and markets Radio Access Network systems based on WiFi standard to offer mobile broadband solutions. |
Mobile, Telecommunications, Wireless | Jönköping, Jonkopings Lan, Sweden |
Krux Krux is a business consultancy company. |
Consulting, Management Consulting | Skellefteå, Vasterbottens Lan, Sweden |
Secure State Cyber Secure State Cyber is an independent cybersecurity company. They are specialists in working proactively with advanced cybersecurity. |
Cyber Security, Information Services, Information Technology | Norrköping, Ostergotlands Lan, Sweden |
CHIQUELLE is currently the fastest-growing online fashion retailers in Sweden. |
Retail | Stockholm, Stockholms Lan, Sweden |
Ponty Technology AB Ponty Technology provides Recruitment, Executive Search & Interim Management services in the IT industry. |
Consulting, Information Technology, Recruiting | Göteborg, Vastra Gotaland, Sweden |
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Phase Holographic Imaging Phase Holographic Imaging provides time-lapse cytometers for cancer and stem cell researchers in Europe, Asia, and North America. |
Biotechnology, Physical Security, Product Research | Lund, Skane Lan, Sweden |
Fastighets Hemsö is Sweden's private community property owner, who operates and builds assets for the disabled, educational, treatment and justice. STO:BALD_B |
Property Development, Property Management, Real Estate | Stockholm, Stockholms Lan, Sweden |
Input Interiör Input interiör is a Swedish independent interior design group. |
Västra Frölunda, Vastra Gotaland, Sweden | |
Kaustik AB Kaustik AB offers all administrative work involvning personal assistance, such as time reporting, salary calculation & recruiting. |
Computer, Information Technology | Göteborg, Vastra Gotaland, Sweden |
Vendium AB Vendium AB is a digital partner for construction companies which develop and market the SaaS service. |
SaaS, Software | Göteborg, Vastra Gotaland, Sweden |
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Safe Solutions A Malmo-based company that has developed software that, together with an infrared camera can detect a potential burglar from the distance. |
Security, Software | Höllviken, Skane Lan, Sweden |
LeadPilot LeadPilot is a platform to find and contact new leads automatically by AI-solution. |
Artificial Intelligence, Lead Generation, Lead Management, Software | Stockholm, Stockholms Lan, Sweden |
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Stugan Stugan is a non-profit organisation. |
Gaming, Non Profit, Video Games | Stockholm, Stockholms Lan, Sweden |
Snö Of Sweden Snö of Sweden is a Swedish jewelry brand that offers jewelry for all occasions. |
E-Commerce, Jewelry, Service Industry | Stockholm, Stockholms Lan, Sweden |
J A TECH SWEDEN AB J A TECH SWEDEN AB create customer-unique IT solutions for the public and private sectors. |
E-Learning, Information Technology, Training, Web Design | Västervik, Kalmar Lan, Sweden |
Zero Index Zero Index is a game studio and consulting firm focused on B2B services within both the game and IT industry. |
Gaming, Information Technology, Online Games | Linköping, Ostergotlands Lan, Sweden |
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Supporter Supporter is a web-based platform that helps its users support their favorite clubs. |
Apps, Internet, Online Auctions | Stockholm, Stockholms Lan, Sweden |
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Företagarna Företagarna, The Swedish Federation of Business Owners, is the largest business organisation in Sweden. |
Association | Stockholm, Stockholms Lan, Sweden |
PragoMedia >PragoMedia is a digital marketing agency that gives their clients maximum exposure in the Scandinavian/Nordic market. |
Advertising, Digital Marketing | Kalmar, Kalmar Lan, Sweden |
CropTailor CropTailor focuses on trait development of oats through advanced technology test. |
Agriculture, Biotechnology, Product Management | Lund, Skane Lan, Sweden |
Flexite Flexite provides business process management software for automating the activity flow of the business processes. |
Business Intelligence, Management Information Systems, Software | Örnsköldsvik, Vasternorrlands Lan, Sweden |
Empori Empori develops and markets websites, systems and technical solutions. |
CMS, Information Technology, Software, Web Development | Borlänge, Dalarnas Lan, Sweden |
Synergus RWE Synergus RWE develops and executes cost effective market access, real world evidence, and HEOR strategies for the health care sector. |
Consulting, Data Integration, Health Care, Marketing | Stockholm, Stockholms Lan, Sweden |
SoVent Group SoVent Group is a provider of chimney cleaning and ventilation services. |
B2C, Commercial, Renewable Energy, Service Industry | Stockholm, Stockholms Lan, Sweden |
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Metamatrix AB MetaMatrix is a web agency in Stockholm that produces durable, efficient and accessible digital concepts and web solutions. |
Internet | Stockholm, Stockholms Lan, Sweden |
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Gia Industri AB GIA Industri AB manufactures and supplies locomotives for mining and tunneling industry. |
Manufacturing | Grängesberg, Dalarnas Lan, Sweden |
Batonics Batonics works with diversified small-scale investments; including ones in public markets and real estate. |
Information Services | Rimbo, Stockholms Lan, Sweden |
FLOWOCEAN AB Flowocean AB is a technology company that develops patented design for floating offshore wind power plants making it cost-effective. |
Energy | Västerås, Vastmanlands Lan, Sweden |
Minutemailer Email marketing, SaaS, Contact management, CRM |
Advertising, Consulting, Digital Marketing, Email Marketing, Information Technology, SaaS, Software | Stockholm, Stockholms Lan, Sweden |
C/o GERD c/o GERD is manufactures and sells organic beauty products under the brand . |
Consumer Goods, Cosmetics, Manufacturing | Jokkmokk, Norrbottens Lan, Sweden |
Bandling & Partners Bandling & Partners is a financial solutions firm that provides occupational pensions, consulting, insurance, and risk management services. |
Consulting, Financial Services, Insurance, Risk Management | Stockholm, Stockholms Lan, Sweden |
Aerowash Aerowash AB is a global aviation company that develops and manufactures automated aeroplane washing robots and services. |
Air Transportation, Industrial Automation, Manufacturing, Mechanical Engineering, Robotics | Stockholm, Stockholms Lan, Sweden |
Médecins Sans Frontières Médecins Sans Frontières is a medical aid organization that provides life-saving health services. |
Health Care, Medical, Non Profit | Stockholm, Stockholms Lan, Sweden |
Famico Famico is design and build machinery production. |
Logistics, Supply Chain Management | Uddevalla, Vastra Gotaland, Sweden |
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John Mattson Fastighetsforetagen John Mattson Fastighetsföretagen AB is the housing company that creates, owns and manages good living environments. STO:JOMA |
Health Care, Property Management, Real Estate | Stockholm, Stockholms Lan, Sweden |
Etendo Sverige AB Etendo Sverige AB is an e-commerce and digital marketing company that deals with e-commerce growth with the market's leading shop solution. |
Digital Marketing, E-Commerce | Norrköping, Ostergotlands Lan, Sweden |
Rebel Walls Rebel Walls is a Swedish wallpaper company that offers an extensive selection of murals, printed, and bespoke wallpapers. |
E-Commerce, Home Decor, Home Improvement, Interior Design | Borås, Vastra Gotaland, Sweden |
Laccure AB Laccure AB has developed a groundbreaking product for easier treatment and prevention of bacterial vaginos (BV). |
Biotechnology, Health Care, Pharmaceutical | Helsingborg, Skane Lan, Sweden |
Addedo Addedo is an IT consultancy firm specialized in Corporate Performance Management (CPM) services and applications. |
Information Services, Information Technology | Stockholm, Stockholms Lan, Sweden |
Saniflex AB Saniflex manufactures tubing components and instruments for the process industry. |
Industrial Manufacturing, Manufacturing, Medical Device, Pharmaceutical | Lidingö, Stockholms Lan, Sweden |
Polykemi Polykemi is the biggest developer & producer of customer adapted thermo plastic compounds. |
Manufacturing, Plastics and Rubber Manufacturing | Ystad, Skane Lan, Sweden |
BrenderUP Group BrenderUP Group develops and manufactures trailers for private, semi-professional, and professional areas of use in Europe. |
Machinery Manufacturing, Manufacturing | Malmö, Skane Lan, Sweden |
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Consoden AB Consoden is a consultancy firm focused on advanced business and systems development where demands on security and reliability are high. |
Consulting, Cyber Security, Information Technology, Security | Uppsala, Uppsala Lan, Sweden |
Micor AB Micor AB designs and manufactures saw blades for industrial applications in Northern Europe. |
Furniture, Industrial, Machinery Manufacturing, Manufacturing | Laholm, Hallands Lan, Sweden |
Spacemetric Spacemetric is a software company specialized in image management systems for airborne and satellite sensors. |
Computer, Software | Sollentuna, Stockholms Lan, Sweden |
Mobello Mobello is an e-commerce site that provides mobile phones and accessories. |
E-Commerce, Mobile, Retail, Shopping | Stockholm, Stockholms Lan, Sweden |
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Swereco Swereco started in 1973 with production of crutches and development of ergonomical products for people with disabilities. |
Health Care | Stockholm, Stockholms Lan, Sweden |
Junkyard Junkyard is an online store for street fashion that provides a variety of different brands of clothing. |
E-Commerce, Fashion, Retail, Sporting Goods | Göteborg, Vastra Gotaland, Sweden |
Mercuri International Group Mercuri International provides sales management and sales consulting services. |
Consulting, Professional Services, Sales | Solna, Stockholms Lan, Sweden |
Trivalo Trivalo focuses on data-driven asset management and has a proven methodology supported by their own digital toolbox. |
Asset Management, Information Services | Stockholm, Stockholms Lan, Sweden |
Co:tunity Co:tunity is a smartphone and web application for collaborative problem solving. |
Mobile Apps, Software, Web Apps | Stockholm, Stockholms Lan, Sweden |
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Benc Enterprises Benc Enterprises AB is a software development company developing PHP (Hypertext Preprocessor) based products. |
Life Science, Mobile, Software, Web Development | Stockholm, Stockholms Lan, Sweden |
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Areff Systems Areff develops and sells products for identification. |
3D Printing, Information Technology, Manufacturing, Robotics, Security | Ronneby, Blekinge Lan, Sweden |
Zeotech Zeotech is a air purification technology company. |
Air Transportation, Manufacturing, Water Purification | Arlöv, Skane Lan, Sweden |
V-TAB V-TAB is a printing company that specializes in websites, graphic design, image processing, document editing and printing solutions. |
Document Management, Graphic Design, Printing | Göteborg, Vastra Gotaland, Sweden |
Solarwave SolarWave develops and sells products for the chemical treatment of drinking water. |
Energy, Renewable Energy, Water, Water Purification, Wellness | Gävle, Gavleborgs Lan, Sweden |
Linum Linum combines the sophisticated and simple, with a great care for details and durability. |
E-Commerce, Product Design | Stockholm, Stockholms Lan, Sweden |
KEWAB KEWAB is a provider of excavation services, civil works and power network services. |
Professional Services | Karlstad, Varmlands Lan, Sweden |
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MaishaBit MaishaBit designs and develops digital health solutions in close collaboration with end users, ie patients and healthcare professionals. |
Health Care, Information Technology | Uppsala, Uppsala Lan, Sweden |
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Steelwrist Steelwrist develops, manufactures, and sells tiltrotators, quick couplers, accessories, and tools for excavators and backhoe loaders. |
Machinery Manufacturing, Manufacturing | Sollentuna, Stockholms Lan, Sweden |
Bank Brokers Bank Brokers provides banking services like funding, financing, insurance, cash management and foreign exchange. |
Banking, Finance, Financial Services, Professional Services | Stockholm, Stockholms Lan, Sweden |
Enact Sustainable Strategies AB Enact Sustainable Strategies AB is a management consulting company having expertise in sustainable business and responsible leadership. |
Consulting, Sustainability | Stockholm, Stockholms Lan, Sweden |
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Transmode Systems Transmode provides optical networking solutions for the transport of data, voice and video traffic based on CWDM and DWDM technology. |
Mobile, Telecommunications, Web Hosting | Stockholm, Stockholms Lan, Sweden |
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DAMVAD DAMVAD is a specialized policy and economics consultancy. |
Consulting | Stockholm, Stockholms Lan, Sweden |
Euvic Euvic is an IT company that provides application development and automation, IoT, AI, and cloud data services. |
Artificial Intelligence, Cloud Data Services, Information Technology, Internet of Things, Web Development | Stockholm, Stockholms Lan, Sweden |
Unimedic Pharma Unimedic Pharma is a growing pharmaceutical company. It is a fully integrated specialty pharmaceutical company and specialized in medicines. |
Biotechnology, Manufacturing, Pharmaceutical | Stockholm, Stockholms Lan, Sweden |
Carl Bennet AB Carl Bennet AB invests in various academic research projects and supports its subsidiaries and associates with knowledge and finance. |
Finance, Financial Services, Funding Platform | Göteborg, Vastra Gotaland, Sweden |
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Student Competitions AB Global student competition platform |
Public Relations | Stockholm, Stockholms Lan, Sweden |
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Cardiolex Cardiolex offers EC Sense, a 12-lead PC-based ECG system for hospitals. |
Consumer Electronics | Hägersten, Stockholms Lan, Sweden |
CamsWeb Solutions CamsWeb Solutions is a web-based real estate system and vehicle system that quality assures the company's equipment. |
Automotive, Real Estate, Software | Tibro, Vastra Gotaland, Sweden |
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Diamorph Diamorph supplies advanced material solutions for especially demanding industrial applications. |
Construction, Energy, Industrial | Stockholm, Stockholms Lan, Sweden |
CMI Group CMI Group offers professional investment services and products, asset management, corporate finance, FX trading, and legal services. |
Asset Management, Finance, Financial Services, Legal | Stockholm, Stockholms Lan, Sweden |
Cloover Embedded financial services for renewable energy |
Embedded Systems, Financial Services, Renewable Energy | Stockholm, Stockholms Lan, Sweden |
EcoViking EcoViking is recognized as one of the authentic choices for baby equipment (baby bottles, pacifiers etc.) among Eco-conscious consumers. |
Consumer Goods, E-Commerce, Food and Beverage, Health Care, Manufacturing, Product Design, Retail | Gothenburg, Vastra Gotaland, Sweden |
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Screen9 Screen9 is an Online Video Platform for publishing video on the web. |
Software, Video | Stockholm, Stockholms Lan, Sweden |
Secify By Sweden AB Secify by Sweden AB is a company that deals in information security & consulting services. |
Jönköping, Jonkopings Lan, Sweden | |
DokuMera DokuMera provides digital documents through internet to entrepreneurship. |
Internet, Legal | Stockholm, Stockholms Lan, Sweden |
Plan8 Designing music and sound for brands, products, films and experiences. |
Advertising, Audio, Music | Stockholm, Stockholms Lan, Sweden |
InUse inUse operates as a UX and Service Design agency. |
Information Technology, Internet, Robotics, Web Design | Malmö, Skane Lan, Sweden |
Zonda Partners Zonda Partners is a boutique corporate finance advisory firm specialised in capital market transactions and M&A. |
Banking, Finance, Financial Services | Stockholm, Stockholms Lan, Sweden |
Gävle Kommun Gävle Kommun is a government administrative agency. |
Government, Non Profit | Gävle, Gavleborgs Lan, Sweden |
Nolliplan Nolliplan helps the construction industry to streamline their construction projects with digitization, software, and BIM. |
Architecture, CAD, Construction, Information Technology, Software | Solna, Stockholms Lan, Sweden |
KOSA Sport KOSA Sport is a manufacturing of sports equipment. |
Manufacturing, Sporting Goods | Motala, Ostergotlands Lan, Sweden |
DOKTORN DOKTORN is a publishing company provides knowledge about health, medicine and diseases. |
Health Care, Medical | Kista, Stockholms Lan, Sweden |
Verifiera AB Verifiera AB is a modern and demand-driven news agency that focuses on news dissemination regarding natural and legal persons. |
Legal, Marketing | Stockholm, Stockholms Lan, Sweden |
Stockaboo Stockaboo is a platform for real-time communication about stocks and publicly-listed companies. |
Information Technology, Internet, Internet of Things | Skinnskatteberg, Vastmanlands Lan, Sweden |
Finqr Finqr offers a completely digital and fully automated service that fits with clients financial system. |
Financial Services | Malmö, Skane Lan, Sweden |
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Northlight Optronics AB A Sweden-based developer of optical transmitters and receivers. |
Electronics, Manufacturing | Stockholm, Stockholms Lan, Sweden |
RoRo International RoRo International is a suppliers of cargo-handling materials for the roll-on, roll-off shipping industry. |
Logistics, Marine Transportation, Shipping | Göteborg, Vastra Gotaland, Sweden |
NWise AB nWise's mission is"to enable communication for all" and our vision is to be able to give all people access to tools and services. |
Communications Infrastructure, Productivity Tools | Uppsala, Uppsala Lan, Sweden |
Arvid Nilsson Arvid Nilsson is a supplier of building materials including bolt, nut, washer, screw, industrial fasteners, fittings, plugs and anchors. |
Building Material, Construction, Wholesale | Kungälv, Vastra Gotaland, Sweden |