Organizations in Sweden

Name Industry Address
not_available_image Happy Pancake
The leading online dating service in the Nordics
Digital Entertainment, E-Commerce, Internet Stockholm, Stockholms Lan, Sweden
cellevate_logo Cellevate
Cellevate is an innovative biotech company that develops the next generation of cell culture systems.
Biotechnology Lund, Skane Lan, Sweden
biosync-technology_logo Biosync Technology
Biosync Technology is bringing life-changing impact through wearable bio-sensors.
Biotechnology, Health Care, Software Kista, Stockholms Lan, Sweden
valea-ab_logo Valea AB
Valea can give clients a robust service in the area of property rights, staff include International patents, concept and trademark lawyers.
Intellectual Property Stockholm, Stockholms Lan, Sweden
marsblade_logo Marsblade
Marsblade will make you a better hockey player. We develop on-ice and off-ice products for hockey players.
Robotics, Sports Östersund, Jamtlands Lan, Sweden
blika-solutions_logo Blika Solutions
Blika Solutions offers a modular SaaS system that helps multinational companies.
SaaS, Software Stockholm, Stockholms Lan, Sweden
dear-friends_logo Dear Friends
Dear Friends is an advertising agency.
Advertising, Brand Marketing, Creative Agency, Marketing Gothenburg, Vastra Gotaland, Sweden
storyfire-db98_logo Storyfire
Storyfire is a creator, developer, producer and publisher of film and TV.
Media and Entertainment Stockholm, Stockholms Lan, Sweden
smoothcomp-ab_logo Smoothcomp AB
Smoothcomp is a tournament software for combat sports & arranges big tournaments to participate, organize and follow competitions.
Software Stenungsund, Vastra Gotaland, Sweden
nordic-vehicle_logo Nordic Vehicle
Nordic Vehicle is a converter of specialized professional and emergency vehicles.
Automotive Bäckaryd, Kronobergs Lan, Sweden
aq-group_logo AQ Group
AQ Group is a global manufacturer of components and systems for industrial customers.
Industrial, Manufacturing, Mechanical Engineering Västerås, Vastmanlands Lan, Sweden
thatsup_logo Thatsup
Thatsup is a lifestyle site with best restaurant listings.
E-Commerce, Food and Beverage, Hospitality, Lifestyle, Travel Stockholm, Stockholms Lan, Sweden
speed-group_logo Speed Group
Speed ​​Group is a service provider in logistics, production and crew including services such as recruitment and training.
Logistics, Supply Chain Management Borås, Vastra Gotaland, Sweden
brainglass_logo Brainglass
Brainglass provides educational mobile applications for learning languages.
Android, Apps, Education, iOS, Language Learning, Mobile Kista, Stockholms Lan, Sweden
apper_logo Apper
At APPER we have a great understanding of the customer's business.
Software Göteborg, Vastra Gotaland, Sweden
tat-the-astonishing-tribe_logo TAT - The Astonishing Tribe
The Astonishing Tribe (TAT) creates interactive user interfaces for screens and devices.
Computer, Information Technology, iOS, Mobile Apps, Product Design, Software, Web Design Malmö, Skane Lan, Sweden
lekia_logo Lekia
Lekia offers products such as books, soft toys, accessories, furnishings, puzzles, legos, dolls, figures and robots, and animals.
Children, Consumer Goods, E-Commerce, Retail, Toys Arlöv, Skane Lan, Sweden
ica-banken_logo ICA Banken
ICA Banken offers banking and financial services.
Banking, Finance, Financial Services Solna, Stockholms Lan, Sweden
garo_logo Garo
Garo is an Electrical & Electronic Manufacturing company located in GNOSJÖ.
Electrical Distribution, Electronics, Energy, Manufacturing Stockholm, Stockholms Lan, Sweden
pophouse-entertainment_logo Pophouse Entertainment
Pophouse Entertainment develops a platform that focuses on entertainment, gaming, hospitality, and art.
Digital Entertainment, Gaming, Hospitality Djurgårdsbrunn, Stockholms Lan, Sweden
mobile-arts_logo Mobile Arts
Mobile Arts provides mobile location and messaging products to mobile operators.
Apps, CRM, Information Technology, iOS, Messaging, Mobile, Mobile Apps, Social Media, Software, Telecommunications Stockholm, Stockholms Lan, Sweden
ng-technologies_logo NGT
NGT is a consultancy that deals with application development, cloud computing, network and web operations.
Apps, Cloud Computing, Consulting Kungsbacka, Hallands Lan, Sweden
solidicon_logo Solidicon
Solidicon is an IT company specialized in developing e-commerce platform.
E-Commerce, E-Commerce Platforms, Information Technology Göteborg, Vastra Gotaland, Sweden
hc-datapartner_logo HC Datapartner
HC Datapartner is a computer sales and services company.
Computer, Information Technology, Printing, Sales, Service Industry Bromma, Sodermanlands Lan, Sweden
power-challenge-sweden_logo Power Challenge Sweden
Power Challenge Sweden, an online multi-player sports games provider, develops head-to-head games such as ManagerZone.
Sports Linköping, Ostergotlands Lan, Sweden
canarybit_logo CanaryBit
We provide confidential collaboration among Businesses and Public Authorities, protecting digital assets with Confidential Computing.
Cloud Computing, Cloud Security, Cyber Security, PaaS Stockholm, Stockholms Lan, Sweden
management-events_logo Management Events
Management Events provides event management services.
Consulting, Event Management Stockholm, Stockholms Lan, Sweden
wasa-kredit_logo Wasa Kredit
Wasa Kredit offers finance through loans, leasing and installments in e-commerce, vehicle trade, office trade and machine trade.
Credit, E-Commerce, Finance, Financial Services Stockholm, Stockholms Lan, Sweden
netel_logo Netel
Netel is a privately held Nordic service provider for communication and electrical networks.
Telecommunications Stockholm, Stockholms Lan, Sweden
beautyqlick_logo BeautyQlick
BeautyQlick Is an independent AI -community. Personalise your own beauty algorithm! Soon in the metaverse.
Artificial Intelligence, Beauty, Cosmetics, Information Technology Stockholm, Stockholms Lan, Sweden
roxtec-north-america_logo Roxtec North America
Roxtec North America is an engineering company that manufactures cable and pipe seals.
Manufacturing Karlskrona, Blekinge Lan, Sweden
symetri_logo Symetri
Symetri helps innovative companies in the building, real estate and manufacturing industries optimize their workflows.
Computer, Software Stockholm, Stockholms Lan, Sweden
recco_logo RECCO
RECCO is a rescue system to find buried avalanche victims and people.
Electronics, Public Safety Lidingö, Stockholms Lan, Sweden
metria_logo Metria
Metria is the leading supplier of digital map services, measurement, GIS and remote sensing.
Database, Property Development, Test and Measurement Gävle, Gavleborgs Lan, Sweden
havsjo-delikatesser_logo Havsjo Delikatesser
The company has a beverage product for liqueur stores, restaurants, higher end consumers who appreciate a great taste of spicy vodka.
Wine And Spirits Bodafors, Jonkopings Lan, Sweden
q-linea_logo Q-linea
Q-linea is a privately held company that develops and sells applications and systems for detecting, for example, biological warfare agents.
Biopharma, Biotechnology Uppsala, Uppsala Lan, Sweden
net-clean_logo Net Clean
NetClean provide intelligence solutions to detect, block and analyse digital media to create a safer society.
Information Technology, Internet, Non Profit, Software Gothenburg, Vastra Gotaland, Sweden
acando_logo Acando
Acando operates as a consultancy company that innovates, streamlines and mobilizes organizations for sustainable change.
Management Consulting Stockholm, Stockholms Lan, Sweden
bongo-exclusive_logo Bongo Exclusive
Bongo Exclusive is an entertainment website for music, videos, breaking news, and fashion from all over the world
Broadcasting, Fashion, Media and Entertainment, Music, News, Video, Web Design Stockholm, Stockholms Lan, Sweden
eolus-vind-ab_logo Eolus Vind AB
Eolus Vind design, sell and manage wind power. CPH:EOLU-B
Renewable Energy Hässleholm, Skane Lan, Sweden
centrala-studiestodsnamnden_logo CSN
CSN is a nonprofit organization that offers financial services like loans, grants and funding to students locally and abroad.
Financial Services, Government, Non Profit Sundsvall, Vasternorrlands Lan, Sweden
crm-treasury-systems_logo CRM Treasury Systems
CRM Finance Web is an important tool that facilitates control and well-founded decisions in treasury management.
Financial Services, FinTech, SaaS Stockholm, Stockholms Lan, Sweden
invoi-group-ab_logo Invoi Group AB
INVOI is an innovative business System that specializes in financial services, billing, payment and banking.
Finance, Financial Services Örnsköldsvik, Vasternorrlands Lan, Sweden
tickstar_logo Tickstar
Tickstar provides consulting and cloud services to companies & organizations globally.
Consulting, Information Services, Software Stockholm, Stockholms Lan, Sweden
immunoivd-ab_logo ImmunoIVD AB
ImmunoIVD focuses on neonatal screening for primary immunodeficiency diseases, developed to facilitate population-scale screening.
Health Care, Medical Device Nacka, Stockholms Lan, Sweden
kpmg-sweden_logo KPMG Sweden
KPMG is a global network of professional firms providing audit, tax and advisory services.
Financial Services, Management Consulting Stockholm, Stockholms Lan, Sweden
planacy_logo Planacy
Planacy helps you save time as well as increase the quality and control over your budget- and planning process.
Computer, Human Resources, Information Technology, Software Stockholm, Stockholms Lan, Sweden
neoventa-medical_logo Neoventa Medical
Neoventa Medical provider of fetal monitoring systems and services intended to improve obstetric care.
Health Care, Medical Device Mölndal, Vastra Gotaland, Sweden
findus-sverige_logo Findus Sverige
Findus Sverige is a brand of food products that are available in supermarkets.
Consumer Goods, E-Commerce, Food and Beverage, Retail Malmö, Skane Lan, Sweden
good-solutions_logo Good Solutions
Good Solutions is a Swedish Software and Service company.
Information Services, Software Göteborg, Vastra Gotaland, Sweden
bluetest_logo Bluetest
Bluetest offers reverberations chambers and software for the development and evaluation of wireless products.
Information Services, Information Technology, Manufacturing, Software, Wireless Göteborg, Vastra Gotaland, Sweden
irw-consulting-ab_logo IRW Consulting AB
offer solid know-how and experience of clinical research.
Biotechnology, Pharmaceutical Stockholm, Stockholms Lan, Sweden
syncore-technologies_logo Syncore Technologies
Syncore Technologies develops embedded systems from idea to product.
Embedded Systems, Information Technology, Software Linköping, Ostergotlands Lan, Sweden
if-insurance_logo If Insurance
If insures all that is valuable in life: people, animals, homes, cars and more.
Insurance Stockholm, Stockholms Lan, Sweden
bitnordex_logo Bitnordex
Bitnordex is a financial services company.
Cryptocurrency, Financial Services, Trading Platform Stockholm, Stockholms Lan, Sweden
humblebee_logo Humblebee
Humblebee is a creative digital studio that provides services and solutions for agencies and brands.
Digital Media, Social Media, Social Network Göteborg, Vastra Gotaland, Sweden
waytobill_logo Waytobill
Waytobill is a financial company that provides point-of-sale payment plugins, payments, omnichannel, and telesales.
Financial Services, Payments, Point of Sale Stockholm, Stockholms Lan, Sweden
scandinavian-enviro-systems_logo Scandinavian Enviro Systems
Scandinavian Enviro Systems is based on patented pyrolysis technology.
Renewable Energy, Waste Management Göteborg, Vastra Gotaland, Sweden
evva_logo EVVA
When organisations require maximum intrusion-resistance and flexibility in a master-key system.
Security, Software Hägersten, Stockholms Lan, Sweden
orc-group_logo Orc Group
Orc is the global market leader in trading technology for listed derivatives
CRM, FinTech, Information Technology, Professional Services, Software Stockholm, Stockholms Lan, Sweden
greencarrier_logo Greencarrier
Greencarrier provides logistics, transport solutions and offers freight services through sea, air, and road..
Freight Service, Logistics, Transportation Gothenburg, Vastra Gotaland, Sweden
westpay-ab_logo WESTPAY AB
WESTPAY providers of cloud-based bill payment technology solutions and services NASDAQ:WPAY
Information Services Upplands-väsby, Stockholms Lan, Sweden
incubator-list_logo Incubator List
Incubator List is a curated directory and search engine for startup accelerators, incubators, and VCs.
Incubators, Internet, Venture Capital Linköping, Ostergotlands Lan, Sweden
get-ai_logo Get AI
Get AI develops solutions and provides learning services on artificial intelligence.
Artificial Intelligence, Information Technology, Machine Learning, Software Helsingborg, Skane Lan, Sweden
findout-diagnostic_logo FindOut Diagnostic
FindOut Diagnostics manufactures reliable diagnostic tests for home use.
Biotechnology, Health Care Ekerö, Stockholms Lan, Sweden
tarsier-d8ec_logo Tarsier
Tarsier Studios is an independent game development studio.
Computer, Gaming Malmö, Skane Lan, Sweden
bredband2_logo Bredband2
Bredband2 offers broadband, communication equipment, and software sales services.
Internet, Sales, Software, VoIP Malmö, Skane Lan, Sweden
alliance-db99_logo Alliance
Alliance is a world-renowned esports organization fielding competitive players across some of the most popular video games in the world.
Video Games Gothenburg, Vastra Gotaland, Sweden
devcode-group_logo DevCode Group
DevCode help companies streamline and automate their workflows and business processes through knowledge and software.
Consulting, Financial Services, Human Resources, Information Technology, Legal, Robotics, Software Stockholm, Stockholms Lan, Sweden
ap-t_logo AP&T
AP&T is a manufacturer of sheet metal forming equipments.
Industrial Engineering, Manufacturing, Mechanical Engineering Ulricehamn, Vastra Gotaland, Sweden
not_available_image Menmo
Menmo builds digital products and businesses based on our own ideas or based on partnerships.
Apps, Internet, iOS, Mobile, Mobile Apps, Product Design, Software Malmö, Skane Lan, Sweden
mapiful_logo Mapiful
They provide the technology to let you choose from any place in the world and design your own unique map print.
E-Commerce, Home Decor, Interior Design Göteborg, Vastra Gotaland, Sweden
carechain_logo CareChain
CareChain is a joint effort to establish Blockchain Infrastructure and Personal Data Management for Health.
Blockchain, Ethereum, Health Care, Software Stockholm, Stockholms Lan, Sweden
reqtest-ab_logo ReQtest AB
SaaS, Software Testing, Requirements Management tool
Project Management, SaaS, Software, Usability Testing Stockholm, Stockholms Lan, Sweden
mobeon_logo Mobeon
Mobeon provides Internet protocol messaging components for mobile and fixed networks.
Internet, Messaging, Mobile, Software Stockholm, Stockholms Lan, Sweden
eytys_logo EYTYS
Eytys is a fast expanding company, the items are based on a no-fuss, clear, and functional design concept, and all collections are unisex.
E-Commerce, Fashion, Shoes Stockholm, Stockholms Lan, Sweden
respiratorius_logo Respiratorius
Respiratorius is the developer of new effective drugs for cancer, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) and severe asthma
Health Care Lund, Skane Lan, Sweden
sbp-nordiska-ab_logo SBP Nordiska
SBP Nordic is the digital platform that makes it easier to Invest in real estate projects by connecting real estate developers to investors
Real Estate, Real Estate Investment Gothenburg, Vastra Gotaland, Sweden
elme_logo ELME
ELME is an independent industrial spreader manufacturer.
Industrial, Manufacturing, Mechanical Engineering Älmhult, Kronobergs Lan, Sweden
moberg-derma_logo Moberg Derma
Moberg Derma rapidly growing Swedish pharmaceutical company that commercializes proprietary, acquired and licensed products. STO:MOB
Health Care, Medical Bromma, Sodermanlands Lan, Sweden
pinchos_logo Pinchos
Pinchos is a restaurant chain that serves small plates from cuisines.
Apps, Food and Beverage, Restaurants Gothenburg, Vastra Gotaland, Sweden
epinion-ab_logo Epinion
Epinion is a leading analysis and knowledge consulting firm with Nordic origins.
Market Research Malmö, Skane Lan, Sweden
diamyd-medical_logo Diamyd Medical
Diamyd Medical is a Swedish diabetes company active in the field of pharmaceutical development.
Biotechnology Stockholm, Stockholms Lan, Sweden
askas_logo Askas
Askås is a supplier of e-commerce solutions and related solutions .
E-Commerce Säffle, Varmlands Lan, Sweden
kiliaro_logo Kiliaro
Kiliaro keeps your original files securely and privately backed up.
Apps Stockholm, Stockholms Lan, Sweden
pema-people_logo Pema People
Pema People offer you as a customer customized solutions in the field of contract solution, staffing or recruitment.
Human Resources, Recruiting, Staffing Agency Norrköping, Ostergotlands Lan, Sweden
nordic-finance_logo Nordic Finance
Nordic Finance is the fastest growing financial companies.
Financial Services Stockholm, Stockholms Lan, Sweden
rohnisch-sportswear_logo Rohnisch Sportswear
Rohnisch Sportswear designs, markets and sells fitness and golf apparel for women.
Sports, Textiles Örebro, Gavleborgs Lan, Sweden
dramatify_logo Dramatify
Dramatify, a mobile, social production platform for TV and more, helping production companies and broadcasters to make their productions.
Broadcasting, Film Production, Information and Communications Technology (ICT), SaaS, TV Production, Video, Video Advertising, Virtual Reality Stockholm, Stockholms Lan, Sweden
törnblom-software-ab_logo Törnblom Software AB
Törnblom Software AB is specialized for sea cartons, road trailers, air containers with the largest forwarders, manufacturers and airports.
Malmö, Skane Lan, Sweden
boxer-tv-access_logo Boxer TV-Access
Boxer TV-Access offers TV, broadband and telephony services in Sweden.
Broadcasting, Internet, Internet of Things, Mobile, Telecommunications, TV Stockholm, Stockholms Lan, Sweden
data-ductus_logo Data Ductus
Data Ductus is an IT consulting firm specializing in technically advanced solutions, tailored to our customers specific needs.
Consulting, CRM, Information Technology, Legal, Software Skellefteå, Vasterbottens Lan, Sweden
ikano-bank-se-sweden_logo Ikano Bank
Ikano Bank offers simple and smart banking and financial solutions.
Banking, Bitcoin, Financial Services, Venture Capital Malmö, Skane Lan, Sweden
hylte-jakt-lantman_logo Hylte Jakt & Lantman
Hylte Jakt & Lantman
Retail Hyltebruk, Hallands Lan, Sweden
nvbs-rail_logo NVBS Rail
NVBS Rail is developing and investing in Nordic infrastructure, technology, and security.
Construction, Infrastructure, Railroad Sundbyberg, Stockholms Lan, Sweden
kompar_logo KOMPAR
SME Financing
Financial Services, FinTech Stockholm, Stockholms Lan, Sweden
medical-vision-ab_logo Medical Vision
Medical Vision AB develops, manufactures and markets medical devices within the field of Arthroscopic surgery.
Health Care, Manufacturing, Medical, Medical Device Nacka, Stockholms Lan, Sweden
Hubins is a Swedish FinTech company offering a unique platform for an exclusive and tax efficient unit-linked insurance.
Financial Services, FinTech, Insurance, InsurTech Gothenburg, Vastra Gotaland, Sweden
myelin-io_logo Myelin
Kayak for Learning. The most effective way to achieve learning outcomes.
Communities, EdTech, Education Stockholm, Stockholms Lan, Sweden
scandi-standard_logo Scandi Standard
Scandi Standard want to inspire you to choose chicken: a good, healthy choice, which is ideal for today’s consumers. STO:SCST
Consumer, Food Processing Stockholm, Stockholms Lan, Sweden