Organizations in Sweden

Name Industry Address
newshubby_logo Newshubby
DIY Press Releases primarily for tech companies
Digital Media, News Malmö, Skane Lan, Sweden
elgiganten_logo Elgiganten
Elgiganten is a consumer electronics retailer company.
Electronics, Retail Barkarby, Stockholms Lan, Sweden
ninjas-in-pyjamas_logo Ninjas In Pyjamas
Ninjas in Pyjamas was the first professional esports team to launch our own gaming peripheral company
Gaming, Sports, Video Games Stockholm, Stockholms Lan, Sweden
cash-it_logo Cash IT
Cash IT develops the user-friendly cash system Cash IT Retail for the market's strictest requirements for security and control.
Finance, Point of Sale, Retail, Software Karlstad, Varmlands Lan, Sweden
haninge-kommun_logo Haninge Kommun
Haninge kommun is a municipality in Sweden.
Government, Non Profit Haninge, Ostergotlands Lan, Sweden
forbytes-ab_logo Forbytes
Custom software development services
Developer Platform, Enterprise Software, ISP, Mobile, Software Helsingborg, Skane Lan, Sweden
dcipher-analytics_logo Dcipher Analytics
Turning worthless text into valuable insights and assets. All the tools you need for your text project in one place.
Analytics, Natural Language Processing, PaaS, SaaS, Software, Text Analytics Stockholm, Stockholms Lan, Sweden
privlic_logo Privlic
Privlic is a groundbreaking geosocial app which redraws the map for position-based communication.
Apps, Internet, Social, Software Stockholm, Stockholms Lan, Sweden
green-deer_logo Green Deer
Green Deer provides tractor and other machinery equipments.
Agriculture, Farming, Finance, Machinery Manufacturing Tingstäde, Gotlands Lan, Sweden
canerva-ab_logo Canerva
Canerva AB is an IT consulting company that offers several levels of service agreements, IT operations and needs for IT support.
Consulting, Information Technology, IT Management Uppsala, Uppsala Lan, Sweden
egg-6718_logo EGG
EGG is a low gas & Frictionless access to DeFi, Data-driven due diligence filters best-in-class staking & liquidity mining opportunities.
Blockchain, Internet, Professional Services Stockholm, Stockholms Lan, Sweden
troax-ab_logo Troax AB
Troax AB provide products of the highest quality and functionality using automated and environmentally friendly production processes. STO:TROAX
Industrial Engineering, Manufacturing Hillerstorp, Jonkopings Lan, Sweden
combient-ab_logo Combient AB
Combient AB is a joint venture specializing in the development of software-based automation systems.
Information Technology, Software Stockholm, Stockholms Lan, Sweden
zensum-ab_logo Zensum AB
Zensum AB - A loan intermediary that strives for the industry's highest level of service through responsible lending.
Financial Services, Market Research Stockholm, Stockholms Lan, Sweden
vassla_logo Vassla
Vassla is an E-bike company that offers a killer motor, unparalleled range, smart screen, futuristic battery, and comfy suspension.
Electric Vehicle, Manufacturing, Product Design Stockholm, Stockholms Lan, Sweden
niteco_logo Niteco
Niteco combines technical depth and business insights to craft software that powers your ambition.
Digital Marketing, Information Technology, Software, UX Design, Web Development Stockholm, Stockholms Lan, Sweden
kanthal_logo Kanthal
Kanthal specializes in the manufacturing and supply of heating technology products along with furnace products and services.
Electrical Distribution, Industrial, Manufacturing, Project Management Hallstahammar, Vastmanlands Lan, Sweden
fcg-77ae_logo FCG
FCG is a governance, risk, and compliance firm, offering best-in-class services and tech solutions to the European financial industry.
Financial Services, Professional Services, Risk Management, Technical Support Stockholm, Stockholms Lan, Sweden
digital-metal_logo Digital Metal
Digital Metal specializes in the manufacture of 3D metal printers that use binder-jetting technology for a wide range of industries.
Machinery Manufacturing, Manufacturing, Printing Höganäs, Skane Lan, Sweden
fram_logo Fram
Fram is an online IT development and advisory company with offices in Sweden (Stockholm) and in Vietnam (HCM City)
Software Uppsala, Uppsala Lan, Sweden
mediplast-ab_logo Mediplast AB
Mediplast AB is a Swedish company, sells and distributes medical devices.
Health Care, Medical Device Malmö, Skane Lan, Sweden
entercard-group_logo Entercard Group
Entercard Group is a financial institution that offers credit cards, loans, payment solutions, publications and digital security.
Credit Cards, Financial Services, Network Security, Payments Stockholm, Stockholms Lan, Sweden
qopla_logo Qopla
Qopla is an all-in-one restaurant solution that provides digital tools for restaurants.
Digital Media, Information Technology, Restaurants, Service Industry Bromma, Sodermanlands Lan, Sweden
admeta_logo ADMETA
Admeta is a yield management company that enables large online publishers to handle all their advertising sales channels in a single system.
Advertising, Internet, Real Time Göteborg, Vastra Gotaland, Sweden
noodl_logo Noodl
Noodl is a platform that empowers developers and designers to accelerate the development of web-based technologies.
Software, Software Engineering, Web Development Malmö, Skane Lan, Sweden
xbt-provider_logo XBT Provider
XBT Provider manages Bitcoin Tracker One and Bitcoin Tracker Euro.
Bitcoin, Financial Services Stockholm, Stockholms Lan, Sweden
tagmaster_logo Tagmaster
Tagmaster is a technology company that designs advanced identification systems and solutions based on RFID and ANPR.
Mobile, RFID, Software Kista, Stockholms Lan, Sweden
digital-illusions_logo Digital Illusions
Digital Illusions is a company that was acquired by Electronic Arts in 2006.
3D Technology, Software Stockholm, Stockholms Lan, Sweden
halebop_logo Halebop
The small operator of the largest network
Internet, Telecommunications Stockholm, Stockholms Lan, Sweden
tataa-biocenter_logo TATAA Biocenter
TATAA Biocenter is a hands-on training in qPCR and NGS products.
Biotechnology, Health Care, Life Science Göteborg, Vastra Gotaland, Sweden
glesys_logo GleSYS
GleSYS a fast growing provider of dedicated and cloud server solutions to businesses worldwide.
Information Technology, Software Falkenberg, Hallands Lan, Sweden
mindville_logo Mindville
Mindville builds insight software suite and apps for asset management.
Asset Management, Software Stockholm, Stockholms Lan, Sweden
direct-conversion_logo Direct Conversion
Direct Conversion provides detectors into imaging systems that are used across the globe
Software Danderyd, Stockholms Lan, Sweden
sail-racing-international_logo Sail Racing International
Sail Racing International is an innovative clothing company, manufactures products for high sailing performance.
Manufacturing, Retail, Sailing, Sporting Goods Billdal, Vastra Gotaland, Sweden
eniro_logo Eniro
Nordic company offering search services
Consumer, Electrical Distribution, Search Engine Stockholm, Stockholms Lan, Sweden
tv-nu_logo offers a simple, quick and personalized digital service, a new type of TV-guide.
TV Stockholm, Stockholms Lan, Sweden
sundbybergs-stad_logo Sundbybergs Stad
Sundbyberg Stad is a government body that provides educational, cultural, business, buildings and political services to help the community.
Communities, Education, Government Sundbyberg, Stockholms Lan, Sweden
scilifelab_logo SciLifeLab
SciLifeLab is a centre for molecular biosciences with a focus on health and environmental research.
Biotechnology, Health Care, Medical Solna, Stockholms Lan, Sweden
symetri-addnode-group_logo Symetri Addnode Group
Symetri is a company that provides customers with tailor digital BIM, product design and lifecycle solutions.
Digital Signage, Industrial Automation, IT Management, Product Design, Software Solna, Stockholms Lan, Sweden
sparkle-3_logo Sparkle
Social media aggregation, curation, and visualization
Advertising, Brand Marketing, SaaS, Social Media, Social Media Marketing Malmö, Skane Lan, Sweden
overkill-studio_logo OVERKILL Software
The creators of the video game PAYDAY: The Heist
Software, Video, Video Games Stockholm, Stockholms Lan, Sweden
sobi_logo Sobi
Sobi is a biopharmaceutical company.
Medical, Pharmaceutical Solna, Stockholms Lan, Sweden
nimpos-solutions-ab_logo Nimpos Solutions AB
Nimpos Solutions AB is a Software company.
Restaurants, Retail Technology, Software Göteborg, Vastra Gotaland, Sweden
important-looking-pirates_logo Important Looking Pirates
Important Looking Pirates is an animation company that provides TV-series, feature film, commercials, VR, web and games services.
Animation, Digital Media Stockholm, Stockholms Lan, Sweden
boss-media_logo Boss Media
Boss Media is a company that makes gambling machines and lotteries for casinos.
Gaming, Internet, Mobile, Software Växjö, Kronobergs Lan, Sweden
ostell-ab_logo Ostell AB
Founded in 1999, Osstell manufactures and markets instruments that assess the stability of dental implants.
Biotechnology, Health Care, Manufacturing, Medical Gothenburg, Vastra Gotaland, Sweden
hemtex_logo Hemtex
Hemtex retails home textile products.
Retail, Textiles Borås, Vastra Gotaland, Sweden
alumni-ab_logo Alumni
Alumni operates as an executive search and strategic human resource (HR) company in Sweden.
Professional Services Stockholm, Stockholms Lan, Sweden
guideline-geo_logo Guideline Geo
Guideline Geo is manufacturing geophysical equipment for mapping the subsurface.
Electronics, Manufacturing Sundbyberg, Stockholms Lan, Sweden
deversify_logo Deversify
Deversify detects ideas and innovations within the mHealth domain which then are prototyped and offered, through license agreements.
Information Technology Uppland, Uppsala Lan, Sweden
duni_logo Duni
Duni is a supplier of products for table setting and take-away.
Consumer Goods, Manufacturing, Packaging Services Malmö, Skane Lan, Sweden
bryntum_logo Bryntum
Bryntum is a web tech company that provides web based Gantt and scheduling charts as well as a JavaScript unit testing framework
Developer Tools, Information Technology, Internet, SaaS, Scheduling, Software, Web Development Lund, Skane Lan, Sweden
tobii-pro_logo Tobii Pro
Tobii Pro helps business and science professionals gain real insights into human behavior with leading eye tracking solutions and services.
Enterprise Software, Hardware, Technical Support Danderyd, Stockholms Lan, Sweden
besikta-bilprovning_logo Besikta Bilprovning
Besikta Bilprovning is a car inspection market.
Automotive Malmö, Skane Lan, Sweden
startup-studio-llc_logo Startup Studio LLC
Startup Studio is a company the incubates large and small startup companies.
Internet, Small and Medium Businesses Malmö, Skane Lan, Sweden
node-vc_logo is an early-stage venture capital fund investing in groundbreaking technology start-ups.
Stockholm, Stockholms Lan, Sweden
göteborg-energi_logo Göteborg Energi
Göteborg Energi is a multi-faceted company that extends its wide range of services in lighting, power and heating solutions.
Electrical Distribution, Energy, Energy Efficiency, Renewable Energy, Sustainability Göteborg, Vastra Gotaland, Sweden
enklare_logo Enklare
Enklare provides loan compare facility to customers.
Finance, Financial Services, Online Portals Stockholm, Stockholms Lan, Sweden
bravida_logo Bravida
Bravida is a platform that installs and maintains systems for energy, heating, cooling, water, ventilation and safety.
Civil Engineering, Construction, Infrastructure Stockholm, Stockholms Lan, Sweden
not_available_image Stena Metall
The Stena Metall Group recycles and processes metals, paper, electronics, hazardous waste and chemicals.
Manufacturing Göteborg, Vastra Gotaland, Sweden
addvise_logo ADDvise
ADDvise is a supplier of equipment to healthcare and research facilities.
Health Care, Medical Device Stockholm, Stockholms Lan, Sweden
not_available_image Barq Mobility
Barq Mobility is a micromobility company in MENA Region for urban and campus commuters
Electric Vehicle, Last Mile Transportation, Mobile Apps, Ride Sharing, Transportation Lund, Skane Lan, Sweden
advania-57dc_logo Advania
Advania offering its customers integrated IT services and solutions.
Cloud Data Services, Consulting, Information Technology, Outsourcing Stockholm, Stockholms Lan, Sweden
cheap-monday_logo Cheap Monday
Shop Jeans & Clothes
Fashion, Retail, Wearables Stockholm, Stockholms Lan, Sweden
amniotics_logo Amniotics
Amniotics is a biopharma company focusing on mesenchymal stem cells (MSC) from amniotic fluid. NASDAQ:AMNI
Biotechnology, Life Science Lund, Skane Lan, Sweden
volati_logo Volati
Volati is a Swedish industrial group focusing on acquiring well-managed and profitable companies.
Banking, CRM, Information Technology Stockholm, Stockholms Lan, Sweden
didriksons_logo Didriksons
Didriksons was founded in 1913 as a manufacturer of workwear for fishermen.
Manufacturing Stockholm, Stockholms Lan, Sweden
mediapath-network_logo MediaPath Network
Media Path Network is one of the fastest-growing media consultancies, a disruptor in the industry by driving change through technology.
Advertising, Media and Entertainment, Service Industry Stockholm, Stockholms Lan, Sweden
arrivalguides_logo ArrivalGuides
ArrivalGuides is the world’s largest network of destination information.
Advertising, Internet, Publishing, Travel Gothenburg, Vastra Gotaland, Sweden
frostbite_logo Frostbite
Frostbite is a game engine that offers developers with software development5 toolsets to build games of any size, genre, or platform.
Internet, Machine Learning, Mobile, Software Stockholm, Stockholms Lan, Sweden
dise-international_logo Dise
SaaS, Digital Signage, In-store Experience Platform, Digital In-store
Information Technology, Software Karlstad, Varmlands Lan, Sweden
trr_logo TRR
TRR is a human resource company that provides consulting and outplacement services.
Consulting, Human Resources, Outsourcing Stockholm, Stockholms Lan, Sweden
utilifeed_logo Utilifeed
Utilifeed is a software start-up company based in Gothenburg.
Clean Energy, Energy Efficiency, Oil and Gas, Software Gothenburg, Vastra Gotaland, Sweden
raceid_logo RaceID
RaceID is creating the world’s leading community for race participants with innovative products and services.
Fitness, Health Care, Wellness Nacka, Stockholms Lan, Sweden
china-euro-vehicle-technology_logo China Euro Vehicle Technology
CEVT is an innovation center for the future cars of the Geely Group.
Automotive, Information Technology, Logistics Göteborg, Vastra Gotaland, Sweden
statist-extras-sec-casting-on-the-web-ab_logo Statist & Extras SEC Casting On The Web AB
Statist is a Company that provides film and production companies, casting companies, advertising agencies, event companies and TV channels.
Advertising, Events, Marketing, TV Stockholm, Stockholms Lan, Sweden
wakakuu_logo WAKAKUU provide high fashion online & more than 95 brands. Wakakuu delivers to Sweden, Denmark, Finland and Norway.
E-Commerce, Fashion Hovås, Vastra Gotaland, Sweden
chimer_logo Chimer
Chimer is a sales platform that connects sales teams with customers instantly and helps modern sales teams hit their targets.
SaaS Stockholm, Stockholms Lan, Sweden
learnifier_logo Learnifier
Learnifier is a powerful yet simple tool that enables all to learn, share, and create
Corporate Training, E-Learning, EdTech Stockholm, Stockholms Lan, Sweden
middagsfrid_logo Middagsfrid
Home delivery of pre-planned grocery bags with recipes to the door.
Delivery, Delivery Service, Grocery Stockholm, Stockholms Lan, Sweden
baymarkets-ab_logo Baymarkets AB
Baymarkets AB was founded in Sweden by Peter Fredriksson and its investors.
Financial Services, Information Services, Information Technology, Software Stockholm, Stockholms Lan, Sweden
dagens-industri_logo Dagens Industri
Dagens Industri is a financial newspaper in tabloid format and the most profitable daily newspaper in Sweden.
Publishing Stockholm, Stockholms Lan, Sweden
operax_logo Operax
Operax is an independent software provider specialized in designing highly available network communications software.
Broadcasting, Software, Telecommunications Luleå, Norrbottens Lan, Sweden
mercur_logo Mercur
Mercur specializes in delivering solutions for business management and decision support.
Business Development, Information Technology, Software Solna, Stockholms Lan, Sweden
not_available_image Gaston
Gaston provides information technology solutions and services.
Information Services, Information Technology Skärholmen, Stockholms Lan, Sweden
rekab-entreprenad_logo Rekab Entreprenad
Rekab Entreprenad provider of construction services.
Civil Engineering, Construction, Consulting, Real Estate Umeå, Vasterbottens Lan, Sweden
magine-pro_logo Magine Pro
Magine Pro specializes in building OTT businesses and creating live, linear TV, and video-on-demand streaming services.
Information Technology, Marketing, TV, Video Streaming Stockholm, Stockholms Lan, Sweden
telge-energi_logo Telge Energi
Telge Energi is an independent electricity trading company.
Electronics, Energy, Solar Södertälje, Stockholms Lan, Sweden
norm_logo NORM
NORM began the development of Simstore, our software for conducting virtual shopper research.
Market Research, Software Stockholm, Stockholms Lan, Sweden
odd-molly-international_logo Odd Molly International
Odd Molly’s award-winning design in everything from clothing to interiors encourages women of all ages to feel and be their best selves. STO:ODD
Fashion, Marketing Stockholm, Stockholms Lan, Sweden
emblasoft_logo Emblasoft
Emblasoft offers test, verification, and service enablement solutions for VoLTE, IMS, and 5G infrastructure.
Information Technology, Mobile, Telecommunications Stockholm, Stockholms Lan, Sweden
digital-portfolio-control-dpc-ab_logo Digital Portfolio Control (DPC) AB
FinTech company making investment portfolios accessible anywhere, anytime using efficient integration, automation and visualization.
Asset Management, Financial Services, FinTech, Information Technology, Insurance, SaaS, Software Stockholm, Stockholms Lan, Sweden
uddeholm_logo Uddeholm
Uddeholm is the world's leading manufacturer of high quality tool steel for industrial tools.
Electronics, Manufacturing, Renewable Energy Hagfors, Varmlands Lan, Sweden
qiiwi-games_logo Qiiwi Games
Qiiwi is a developer of games for mobile platforms such as iOS and Android.
Online Games, Video Games Alingsås, Vastra Gotaland, Sweden
clx-networks_logo CLX Networks
CLX Network offers carrier grade solutions which enables enterprises to communicate efficiently with customers, employees, and things.
Messaging, Mobile, SMS, VoIP, Wireless Stockholm, Stockholms Lan, Sweden
aqua-dental_logo Aqua Dental
A private dental care chain with clinics and dental laboratories in Stockholm and Gothenborg, Sweden.
Health Care Stockholm, Stockholms Lan, Sweden
exxentric_logo Exxentric
Developers of the #kBox flywheel training device. Science based training equipment and methods for strength and conditioning.
Education, Health Care, Sporting Goods Stockholm, Stockholms Lan, Sweden
arbetsfrmedlingen_logo Arbetsfrmedlingen
Arbetsfrmedlingen is a Swedish Public Employment Service agency that provides employment services which are free of charge
Government, Information Technology, Office Administration, Staffing Agency Stockholm, Stockholms Lan, Sweden
inexchange_logo InExchange
InExchange develops solutions for the payment and automation of exchange orders, invoices, and payments.
E-Commerce, Finance, Financial Exchanges, Financial Services, FinTech, Software Skövde, Vastra Gotaland, Sweden
onlinetherapy-com_logo OnlineTherapy
Online Therapy is a dedicated online-based team of consultant therapists, cognitive behavioral therapists, practitioners and support staff.
Health Care, Internet Höganäs, Skane Lan, Sweden