Organizations in Japan
Name | Industry | Address | |
SELF Japan Self is a handles user information on SELF provided by the Company. |
Information Technology, Network Security | Tokyo, Tokyo, Japan |
SHUUUMATU WORKER SHUUUMATU WORKER is startup that connects people and companies that want to work side jobs that were born in 2016. |
Career Planning, Recruiting | Tokyo, Tokyo, Japan |
SUDx-Biotec SUDx-Biotec focuses on the research, development, and commercialization of sugar chain technology. |
Bioinformatics, Biotechnology, Life Science | Kagoshima, Kagoshima, Japan |
TRUNK Japan TRUNK is a provider of Information service industry,advertising agency business and design business. |
Advertising, Logistics, Media and Entertainment | Tokyo, Tokyo, Japan |
![]() | FamilyTime is a parental control app that's helping parents to make internet safe for their kids. |
Children, Internet, Parenting | Tokyo, Tokyo, Japan |
AtHearth AtHearth is a real estate agency offering specialized services for expats in Tokyo. |
Real Estate | Tokyo, Tokyo, Japan |
MiraBiologics MiraBiologics is a companybring a miracle to medicine for the better future of people. |
Health Care | Kami-meguro, Tokyo, Japan |
CLIPLA CLIPLA recognizes the importance of protecting personal information and the social nature of medical-related businesses. |
Health Care, Pharmaceutical | Tokyo, Tokyo, Japan |
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Accounting SaaS Japan Cloud-based accounting systems for professional accounting firms |
Cloud Computing, SaaS, Software | Tokyo, Tokyo, Japan |
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AXIS MOTION The new crowd-sourcing service for properties |
B2B, Crowdsourcing, Information Technology | Tokyo, Tokyo, Japan |
WiseVine WiseVine is a company with the concept of creating a new form of public services. |
Legal, SNS, Task Management | Setagaya, Tokyo, Japan |
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Office De Yasai Office de Yasai is an online platform that enables users to order and get vegetables delivered to their offices. |
E-Commerce, Food and Beverage, Food Delivery | Tokyo, Tokyo, Japan |
Yourniture Yourniture is developing custom-made furniture services as the main axis of its business. |
E-Commerce, Furniture, Manufacturing, Retail | Tokyo, Tokyo, Japan |
LivingStyle Living Style is a service provider that provides IT services for the interior industry. |
Business Information Systems, Information Services, Information Technology | Tokyo, Tokyo, Japan |
MedVigilance Medvigilance is a company which uses biological data analysis algorithms to visualize health conditions in a visible way. |
Beauty, Health Care, Medical, Nursing and Residential Care, Sports | Yokohama, Kanagawa, Japan |
Mountain Gorilla Mountain Gorilla engages in the development and sales of in-house products and services. |
Information Technology, Internet of Things, Manufacturing, Service Industry | Osaka-shi, Osaka, Japan |
Neith Neith is a apparel manufacturer, seller and a wholeseller of water absorbing bralette, lingerie and shorts for women. |
Fashion, Lingerie, Manufacturing, Wholesale | Tokyo, Tokyo, Japan |
Alma alma is a community platform to learn design. |
Communities, E-Learning, Graphic Design | Tokyo, Tokyo, Japan |
Everyplus Every Plus is a Nursing care facility recreation planning and dispatch service. |
Medical Device, mHealth, Nursing and Residential Care | Nagoya, Aichi, Japan |
Mono-revo mono-revo provide various services that support the improvement of productivity through the automation and IT. |
Information Technology, IT Management, Software | Kyoto, Kyoto, Japan |
Happy Quality Happy Quality provides total support from research and development production to solve agricultural social issues. |
Agriculture, Farming | Hamamatu, Shizuoka, Japan |
Ken Robotec Ken Robotec is a construction company that provides labor-saving solutions. |
Building Material, Construction, Robotics, Task Management | Takamatsu, Kagawa, Japan |
Mac MAC offers guidance services on corporate accounting and tax accounting to small and medium-sized enterprises. |
Accounting, Consulting, Professional Services | Komatsu, Ishikawa, Japan |
Aki Katsu Aki Katsu revitalizes housing market and produces businesses such as commercial facilities, dining facilities, and accommodation facilities. |
Commercial Real Estate, Construction, Property Management, Real Estate | Tokyo, Tokyo, Japan |
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Coubic Start accepting online bookings right away All-in-one solution to manage your business |
Content, Internet, Marketing, Reservations, SaaS, Service Industry, Small and Medium Businesses, Social Media | Tokyo, Tokyo, Japan |
Stmn stmn is an Operation of Engagement Management Consulting. |
Content, Recruiting, Task Management | Nagoya, Aichi, Japan |
RONGO RONGO LIVE is a live shopping app that allows you to meet new products and services and experience shopping as if you were in a store. |
Consumer Goods, E-Commerce, Internet, Virtualization | Tokyo, Tokyo, Japan |
One Act One Act is developing and managing web service "PieceX", the world's first source code marketplace with dynamic pricing by AI. |
Artificial Intelligence, Consulting, E-Commerce, Information Technology, Software, Web Development | Tokyo, Tokyo, Japan |
Payroll Japan Payroll is a payroll business outsourcing firm. |
Marketing, Staffing Agency, Task Management | Koto, Tokyo, Japan |
GeoLogic Japan Geologic is an Analyze large amounts of data such as location and ad distribution, and provide marketing support for companies. |
Advertising, Beauty, Content, Fashion, Marketing, SNS | Tokyo, Tokyo, Japan |
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Studio Ousia Studio Ousia develops advanced multilingual natural language AI. Our award-winning AI will accelerate your business. |
Artificial Intelligence, Business Development, Machine Learning, Mobile, Software | Otemachi, Tokyo, Japan |
EASEL, Inc. EASEL is an IoT one-stop company for customized LoRa wireless modules, focused on product development & ODM to system development. |
Communications Infrastructure, Electronics, Internet of Things, Product Design | Yokohama, Kanagawa, Japan |
World Incubator International World Incubator International is a wide variety of products and services to a wide range of fields. |
Consumer Goods, Manufacturing, Product Design | Osaka, Osaka, Japan |
Huber Huber aims to be a tourist information center for travelers and locals as well as a hub for travelers and the area. |
Internet, Marketing, Social Media, Social News, Travel | Kamakura, Kanagawa, Japan |
PostCoffee PostCoffee is an online coffee platform that provides coffee subscription and delivery services. |
Coffee, Delivery Service, E-Commerce, Food and Beverage, Subscription Service | Tokyo, Tokyo, Japan |
Effectual Effectual helps businesses and individuals regain online trust and build brands. |
Business Development, E-Commerce, Marketing, Professional Services | Tokyo, Tokyo, Japan |
TRASTA Trasta is a tourism innovation for the tourism industry. |
Home and Garden, Home Decor, Home Renovation | Tokyo, Tokyo, Japan |
Ambient Intelligence Technology Ambient Intelligence Technology is a manufacturing company that produces underwater drones with advance information. |
Electronics, Internet of Things, Manufacturing, Telecommunications | Tsukuba, Ibaraki, Japan |
Standard Capital Standard Capital is a business intelligence firm operates companies in various fields of business and forms. |
Business Intelligence | Chuo, Hokkaido, Japan |
Archi Tech Archi Tech provides services for architecture students and provides recruiting support services. |
Architecture, Consulting, Recruiting | Kyoto, Kyoto, Japan |
Future Ink Future Ink is a manufacturing, sales and service provision of printed electronics related products |
Electronics, Manufacturing, Sales | Yamagata, Yamagata, Japan |
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Molcure Molcure is a high-speed, high-quality, high-variation antibody screening & design system combining biology, automation and bioinformatics |
Biopharma, Biotechnology, Pharmaceutical | Tokyo, Tokyo, Japan |
JobRainbow JobRainbow is a job discovery platform for LGBT. |
Communities, Employment, LGBT | Tokyo, Tokyo, Japan |
Hugmo Hugmo is an e-commerce business in childcare |
Content, E-Commerce, Education | Tokyo, Tokyo, Japan |
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TriFort,Inc. Trifort is a Japanese publisher and developer of mobile video games for Android and iOS devices. |
Apps, Software | Shibuya, Kanagawa, Japan |
Lanchester Lanchester conducts business activities centered on the Web Integration Business. |
Business Information Systems, Data Center | Tokyo, Tokyo, Japan |
MICIN MICIN is a medical IT company that offers a free app for patient charts, billing, and video chatting between doctors and patients. |
Apps, Health Care, Medical | Tokyo, Tokyo, Japan |
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Nikon Nikon Corporation is engaged in the manufacture and sale of optics and imaging instruments. TYO:7731 |
Manufacturing, Motion Capture, Photo Sharing, Photography | Tokyo, Tokyo, Japan |
Bizibl Technologies Bizibl Technologies provides SaaS services for recruitment events. |
Career Planning, Employment, Human Resources, SaaS | Osaka, Osaka, Japan |
TAK-Circulator TAK-Circulator is a business with the goal of contributing to society by commercializing the University of Tokyo research seeds |
IT Management, Nursing and Residential Care, Product Research | Tokyo, Tokyo, Japan |
Union Tec Union Tec specializes in planning, design, and construction of offices, stores, and houses. |
Architecture, Construction, Interior Design | Tokyo, Tokyo, Japan |
Roundz roundz develops teleworking communication platform that connects with office colleagues in real-time. |
Real Time, Software, Telecommunications | Tokyo, Tokyo, Japan |
Connectec Japan Connectec Japan cooperated with TBS drama "Shitamachi Rocket. |
Industrial Manufacturing, Machinery Manufacturing | Myoko, Niigata, Japan |
SYMBOL Japan SYMBOL is a Development of 3D scanning for the apparel and fitness industries. |
Beauty, Fashion, Manufacturing, Virtual Reality | Tokyo, Tokyo, Japan |
Implem Imprint is a business application platform that makes it easy to create business applications without programming. |
Computer, Hardware, Software | Tokyo, Tokyo, Japan |
Enstem enstem develops business utilizing biometric data products. |
Biometrics, Health Care, Wearables | Tokyo, Tokyo, Japan |
The Norinchukin Bank Norinchukin Bank is a commercial bank that provides deposits, settlements, securities investment, and other banking services. |
Financial Services | Tokyo, Tokyo, Japan |
Azoop Azoop operates trucking platform for transportation industry. |
CRM, Logistics, Transportation | Tokyo, Tokyo, Japan |
REXIT REXIT is a Wedding platform the mission is to restructure the bridal industry and create a world full of weddings. |
Media and Entertainment, Recruiting, Wedding | Tokyo, Tokyo, Japan |
Runtrip Runtrip provide a service where you can find the way you want to run (Location) and your friends (Community). |
Apps, Fitness | Setagaya, Tokyo, Japan |
Ascentech Ascentech provides product development, sales, and consulting services related to virtual desktops. TYO:3565 |
Consulting, Information Technology, Software, Virtual Desktop, Virtualization | Tokyo, Tokyo, Japan |
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AnyTimes AnyTimes allows users to crowdsource solutions to everyday problems from their neighbors. |
Crowdsourcing, Enterprise Software, Search Engine, Sharing Economy | Tokyo, Tokyo, Japan |
Confidence Confidence ensures that the entertainment industry's cutting-edge manufacturers will be able to fulfil their objectives in the future. |
Content, Employment, Human Resources | Tokyo, Tokyo, Japan |
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S-cubism S-cubism's imagination is developing the infrastructure of the 21st century. |
Infrastructure, IT Infrastructure | Tokyo, Tokyo, Japan |
Media Active MediaActive provides services related to smartphone application development, website production and system development. |
Gaming, Sports, Telecommunications | Tokyo, Tokyo, Japan |
Lazuli Lazuli is a SaaS platform that enables companies to utilize data for analysis, search, recommendation, marketing & supply chain management. |
Analytics, Information Services, Information Technology, SaaS | Tokyo, Tokyo, Japan |
Creative Coatings Creative Coatings is a manufacturing company that offers coating equipment by coating and film formation. |
Information Technology, Manufacturing, Robotics | Nagaoka, Niigata, Japan |
CUICIN Quickin is changing the travel experience with the digital transformation. |
Task Management, Tourism, Travel | Tokyo, Tokyo, Japan |
Skuroo skuroo is a a site for children's learning / activity search / application. |
E-Learning, EdTech, Education | Tokyo, Tokyo, Japan |
| is an e-commerce company that specializes in home delivery cakes. |
Delivery Service, E-Commerce, Food Delivery, Internet | Tokyo, Tokyo, Japan |
Matcha Japan Matcha is a travel information platform which provides support everyone who wants to visit Japan. |
Media and Entertainment, Tourism, Travel | Tokyo, Tokyo, Japan |
MOSO Mafia MOSO Mafia is an applications that enable various online businesses without a deep knowledge of IT. |
Content, Media and Entertainment, Operating Systems | Tokyo, Tokyo, Japan |
SYRUP Japan SYRUP is a Internet-related services related to pets company. |
Content, Media and Entertainment, Recruiting | Tokyo, Tokyo, Japan |
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Lucid Software Lucid Software develops products that help developers and service providers integrate voice into web applications and business processes. |
SaaS, Software, Telecommunications | Tokyo, Tokyo, Japan |
Beer And Tech Beer and Tech operates a website for the Phalaenopsis or foliage plant HitoHana. |
Consulting, Flowers, Home and Garden, Home Decor, Web Hosting | Saitama, Saitama, Japan |
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Vinclu Inc. Vinclu designs, develops, and manufactures smartphone accessories. |
Internet of Things, Manufacturing, Web Design, Web Development | Tokyo, Tokyo, Japan |
KADOKAWA Contents Academy Kadokawa Contents Academy is a content creation learning center. |
Content, Education | Minato, Chiba, Japan |
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O: O: is a company attempting to visualize the human circadian clock through an original IoT device. |
Internet, Internet of Things | Tokyo, Tokyo, Japan |
Moneytree Japan Moneytree is a household ledger service. |
Finance, Task Management | Tokyo, Tokyo, Japan |
Embrace Japan Embrace is a social medical cooperation platform that connects people, information and data. |
Minato, Chiba, Japan | |
Plant Form Plant form provide support for new entrants from system design to construction and operation. |
Agriculture, Energy, Internet of Things, Management Consulting | Nagaoka, Niigata, Japan |
AlterBooth AlterBooth develops software centered on Microsoft Azure and Amazon Web Services. |
Big Data, Cloud Computing, Enterprise Software, Information Technology, SaaS, Software | Fukuoka, Fukuoka, Japan |
StayList StayList is a private search service. |
Hospitality, Reservations | Tokyo, Tokyo, Japan |
Attelu Attelu is a people analytics service that identifies, hires and retains active talent. |
Analytics, Employment, Human Resources, Internet, Recruiting | Tokyo, Tokyo, Japan |
KIYO Learning Planning, production, sales and management of Educational content and Educational services for business people. |
Content, E-Learning, Education | Tokyo, Tokyo, Japan |
ClinCloud ClinCloud is a company that develops medical supplies and offers software related to monitoring and reporting safety. |
Biotechnology, Health Care, Medical, Pharmaceutical, Software | Tokyo, Tokyo, Japan |
Behavior Behavior is providing industry-specific RPA SaaS services. |
Consulting, Human Resources, SaaS | Tokyo, Tokyo, Japan |
Incubation Alliance Incubation Alliance has been started with sales/manufactures of 3D Graphene products since 2010 as a volume manufacturer of the world first. |
Manufacturing | Wadayama, Hyogo, Japan |
No9 Number Nine is a digital distribution agency business, EC business, manga production business and media mix business. |
Content, Journalism, Media and Entertainment | Tokyo, Tokyo, Japan |
Revive Japan Revive is a developer of a social platform to connect top athletes and fans. |
Content, Sports, Video Editing | Kamakura, Kanagawa, Japan |
Follop Follop is an application that turns SNS posts into cash instantly. |
Marketing, Mobile Apps | Tokyo, Tokyo, Japan |
Game Server Services Game Server Services is an asset, game keeps important player data such as billing currency and character level. |
Asset Management, Cryptocurrency | Kitanagoya, Aichi, Japan |
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Hachimenroppi Hachimenroppi provides a fish delivery service for restaurants. |
Delivery, E-Commerce, Food Processing, Restaurants, Wholesale | Tokyo, Tokyo, Japan |
Hogetic Lab Hogetic Lab specialize in DCaaS, AI development, and Data human resources training. |
Artificial Intelligence, Information Technology | Tamagawa, Tokyo, Japan |
MRSO MRSO is a development and operation of a medical checkup / medical examination reservation portal site. |
Beauty, Media and Entertainment, Reservations | Tokyo, Tokyo, Japan |
Alyc Alyc is focused on contextual, domain-specific, multi-modal voice systems. |
Artificial Intelligence, B2B, Commercial, Software | Tokyo, Tokyo, Japan |
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Linough It is a system development company specializing in real estate. |
Real Estate | Tokyo, Tokyo, Japan |
Bloom Technology Japan Bloom Technology is a Drug development business Drug development related to Toxic-AGEs to challenge new life. |
Biotechnology, Continuing Education, Corporate Training, Education | Kumamoto, Kumamoto, Japan |
Synapse Japan Synapse is a working with academic partners to improve efficiency through AI. |
Artificial Intelligence, Machine Learning, Marketing, Task Management | Edogawa, Tokyo, Japan |
Anaguma Anaguma handles business development depending on the philosophy of helping people with a sustainable structure. |
Advertising, Business Development, Marketing, Sustainability | Tokyo, Tokyo, Japan |