Web2.0 Brings the Traditional Classic Telegram Back is a web2.0 product that brings the experience of the traditional classic telegram back since Western Union discontinued its 162-year-old service in 2006. The service allows time-poor people that want to quickly get a special message out, such as for an anniversary, birthday or wedding, to just get on there and create a message without the hassle of organising postage. They can preview how the telegram will look complete... with old typewriter fonts, and it even inserts the word "STOP" where ever you use a period "." like telegrams from the old days. The service then will dispatch via post an authentic classic style telegram and envelope for a very reasonable price, from any country to any country. "Telegrams have become historical documents to mark important events like the first flight by the Wright Brothers. Most people who remember receiving telegrams enjoyed the warm glow it brought them for messages of thanks and congratulationsโwe just wanted to bring that experience back but use the power of the web to make the whole process fast, easy and inexpensive. We also wanted to use great design of the telegram and envelope itself to offer something unique and different that you don't get with your traditional greeting cardย," say the co-founders of the service. The service has been expanded to allow for discounted bulk sending of telegrams to many recipients for purposes of save the date, wedding and party invitations, or for corporate events. Additionally clients can upload photo's that get printed and sent with their telegram to enhance the experience. For users of TechCrunch we are offering a 20% off discount to the service for a single telegram, to try it out - simply enter Promotion Code: TECH97
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