
The management of Skywood has extensive experience with early stage technologically oriented companies. Skywood’s capital resources, together with a management experienced in start-up ventures, give us the capabilities to provide both financial and operating support. Most young companies in the early stages of development benefit from advice and assistance during the formation of management teams and market/product plans. Skywood can play a key role in assisting with the definition of these vi... tal directions. Once a complete team and plan are in place, we can assist with major levels of funding. Our way of working with companies in the early stages is to make an equity investment in the company. In some cases we will bring other experienced early-stage investors to participate. Our level of involvement can be extensive or not, depending on the needs, but usually we are very involved in the early stages and less involved as the company matures. When more financial resources are required we can introduce the management to the most respected venture capital companies in the world. Our past experience has involved investments with Sequoia Capital, Menlo Ventures, Brentwood, Mohr Davidow Ventures, Polaris Ventures, and others. We have close relationships with these firms. In the public sector we have worked closely with Merrill Lynch, J.P. Morgan Chase, Cowen & Co., Smith Barney, as well as a variety of industry analysts from various companies. Skywood Ventures has been making venture investments in the areas of information technology and healthcare since its inception in 1998. We seek investments and active involvement with the ideas and capabilities of outstanding entrepreneurial teams to develop substantial and exciting businesses.

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Technology used in webpage:
SPF LetsEncrypt Apache Liquid Web Rackspace Email Hosting

Current Employees Featured


Jerry A Anderson
Jerry A Anderson Managing Partner @ Skywood Ventures
Managing Partner


Jared Anderson
Jared Anderson Principal @ Skywood Ventures


Steve D White
Steve D White Venture Partner @ Skywood Ventures
Venture Partner


Jack Lloyd
Jack Lloyd Venture Partner @ Skywood Ventures
Venture Partner


L Curtis Widdoes
L Curtis Widdoes Venture Partner @ Skywood Ventures
Venture Partner

Investments List

Date Company Article Money raised
2016-04-28 SpaceVR Skywood Ventures investment in Seed Round - SpaceVR 1.25 M USD
1999-10-21 diCarta Skywood Ventures investment in Series A - diCarta 9.3 M USD

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