The concept is simple, seniors (people 65 years and older) want to retire and live in a desirable retirement area of the country, but many if not most have not planned and saved enough money to accomplish their goals. Many are left with having to supplement their finances through part time jobs, and now have to live in the metro areas where these part time jobs are available. The desirable retirement areas just can not support the part time jobs these senior need so they are stuck living and wor... king in the metro areas of the country. My concept allows senior to live and work in the desirable retirement areas of the country. They also get to work part time in a climate controlled state of the art commercial greenhouse, doing harvesting and planting jobs that are enjoyable and easy for the senior to accomplish. They only have to commit to 15-20 hours per week which is only 2-3 days per week and also have 3 months a year off for vacations and holidays. We also provide affordable beautiful homes for them to lease / own near the greenhouse where they can walk to work. Over the years I have spoken with thousands of seniors about this concept and most love this idea and are ready for its development as well. I need investors to help with long and short term monies. I need 30 million in short term construction loans to build the 150 homes. This construction loan will be paid back with interest in 10-12 months. The net profit from the sale of the homes will be 1.5 million which wil be used as working capitol for the greenhouse. I need 6 million in long term money for the construction of the commerical greenhouse. Gross profits from the sales of produce each year is estimated at 8 million per year with net profits after debt service of 1.5 million per year. This Senior living / greenhose venture is just 1 of 18 planned across the nation.
Financial Services Hospitality Real Estate
Saint George, Utah, United States
United States
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