
It is all what matters, consumer power. In today's modern consumer-centric retail world, the consumer is an important factor in a successful product promotion. Be it a breakfast cereal, a dress shirt, a detergent, an electronic gadget, an automobile, or even a bank product/service, the consumer has the power to inspire, influence and opine how good it is and how better it could impress a potential consumer. It is not only an important question for a brand company but also an influencing facto... r in a product purchase that how the product is received in the retail market and how great the product meets a consumer expectation. Be it a design of cereal box, a trendy design of fashion product, a quality feature of household item, an attractive feature of electronic gadget, an eye-catching slogan or label, or even a newly introduced bank product, a genuine consumer-centric opinion on it would be a great help for the brand company to determine if it meets consumer expectation and how better it could win a consumer's heart. PowerPik.com, an innovative consumer-centric product opinion tracking platform, helps a brand company to seek product-oriented consumer-centric opinions, reviews and inspiration how the presented product is and could be made better to win a consumer choice. Presenting a product in an elegant image-oriented fashion PowerPik.com provides an excellent platform to find highly interested consumer users and follow them up with a free trial, sample or promotional offer for further study, thus offering a cost-effective marketing strategy and also a win-win case for brand companies and consumers.

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Sudhakar Atmakuru

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