
Picardie Investissement is the leading investor in equity in Picardie. Picardie Investissement is a Venture Capital Company (SCR) whose capital is held by regional institutional investors (region, regional banks ...). Its job is to invest in equity in companies to bring a dynamic of growth, that these companies carry projects of creation, transmission or development. Picardie Investissement manages € 80 million of capital, divided into 50 equity lines. Its legal form, "perpetual" SA, and the patience of its shareholders allow it to accompany companies in portfolio over a long period.

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+33 3 22 91 70 20

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Investments List

Date Company Article Money raised
2021-03-09 Tiamat Picardie Investissement investment in Series A - Tiamat 3.5 M EUR
2019-10-30 Tesseract Solutions Picardie Investissement investment in Pre Seed Round - Tesseract Solutions 150 K EUR
2018-10-10 Webreathe Picardie Investissement investment in Seed Round - Webreathe N/A
2018-10-03 Tiamat Picardie Investissement investment in Seed Round - Tiamat 3.6 M EUR
2017-03-26 Unither Pharmaceuticals Picardie Investissement investment in Venture Round - Unither Pharmaceuticals N/A
2017-01-16 Ugloo Picardie Investissement investment in Seed Round - Ugloo 1.25 M EUR
2012-05-24 Decayeux SAS Picardie Investissement investment in Seed Round - Decayeux SAS N/A

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