
Orgunite is an integrated real-time cloud communication and collaboration platform for individuals and businesses. It aims to leverage the best computing platforms and technologies to provide the worldโ€™s best business network for both businesses and consumers. Enhancing true value to both businesses and customers. It has been designed to fulfill these five important design goals: Security โ€“ Designed to be a secure, safe, and reliable platform for both user identification and business data... . Scalability - Designed to handle and process growing and massive amounts of data - from millions to petabytes of data. Real-time โ€“ Designed to give an update as and when it happens to millions of users. Performance โ€“ Designed to offer the lowest response time and maximizing productivity of your teams. User Experience โ€“ Designed to be usable and valuable to the user and business. Features of the product: Project Management: Orguniteโ€™s project management tool allows you to initiate, plan, execute, manage, and conclude the work of a team effectively and exceed specific success criteria. Customer Service Platform: Orguniteโ€™s offers the most advanced and accomplished customer service desk in the market to help your business meet and prioritize your customers needs as it manages Service Requests and Queues, Service Level Agreements, Frequently Asked Questions, Customer Complains, Service Reviews, ratings and much more. Rich Content Sharing: allows users, teams and businesses to write and share rich content on the platform. The content can be shared on any platform. Analytics: real-time tracking of every activity of data on and off the platform and given as insights to the user or business. Document Management: allows users and businesses to manage and store documents on our platform. Introducing our advanced and powerful search intelligence that will turn your archives as living library that can be tapped into for reference thus maximizing research time. Events and Calendar: allows users to manage and schedule events. Meeting Management and Planners: taking minutes and scheduling has never been easier. The ability to efficiently plan your day using our actionable to dos tasks. Experience management on a different level. Did we mention these minutes were searchable? Yep, letโ€™s us do the recalling so that you can focus on growing your venture. Instant Messaging: one on one messaging, group messaging, group chat has never been this simple, just a single tap on the person or team and type away. Audio and Video Calls: communicate and collaborate like never before with your team, your contacts and clients.

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Analytics Cloud Computing Customer Service Data Storage Document Management Project Management SaaS


Johannesburg, NA - South Africa, South Africa

South Africa

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[email protected]

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SPF Google Google Cloud CKEditor Namecheap DNS Namecheap

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Current Employees Featured


Kelello Senatsi
Kelello Senatsi Co-founder,Co-CEO,Chairman & CTO @ Orgunite
Co-founder,Co-CEO,Chairman & CTO


Skhumbuzo Khamanga
Skhumbuzo Khamanga Chief Growth Officer and Product Officer @ Orgunite
Chief Growth Officer and Product Officer



Kelello Senatsi


Skhumbuzo Khamanga

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