The cultural alignment between schools and teachers is often overlooked, but it is one of the best predictors of mutual success. Like any other relationship, FIT MATTERS. myEDmatch is a job-matching site for educators that connects schools and teachers with shared missions, beliefs, and goals. We help great teachers and great schools find each other, leading to great outcomes for kids. Every year, more than half a million teachers in public and private K-12 schools change jobs. An estimated... 1 out of 2 new teachers leave the profession after five years, largely due to dissatisfaction with their work environments. The cost of recruiting and training new teachers each year is a staggering $7 billion across the country – not to mention the devastating impact teacher turnover has on students and communities. So myEDmatch has made it radically easier to connect the right teacher to the right classroom. Teachers and schools build online profiles, get matched with high-fit counterparts based on a survey of their core beliefs about education, search for jobs and candidates that meet their needs, and communicate with their favorites, ultimately landing the right teacher in the right classroom. We help teachers: * Develop a comprehensive digital resume and teaching portfolio * Get matched with good-fit schools * Find job opportunities that meet their personal and professional preferences * Save time and energy in the search for their first or next teaching job And we help schools: * Instantly access thousands of candidates from across the country for hard-to-fill positions * Stretch their limited dollars and save them countless hours with our efficient platform * Identify teachers that fit the culture and mission of their school community Teachers can build an online profile and search for jobs for FREE at Schools should contact [email protected] to learn more about annual subscriptions. Facebook: /myEDmatch Twitter: @myEDmatch
Career Planning Charter Schools Communities Education Human Resources Internet Recruiting
Kansas City, Missouri, United States
United States
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Email Addresses:
[email protected]
Total Funding:
2.6 M USD
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SPF IPv6 Cloudflare Hosting Cloudflare DNS ForwardMX
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FTL Capital
FTL Capital investment in Series A - myEDmatch