
MIPS AB has developed unique technology to improve the safety features of helmets; cycling, skid and motorcycle helmets. MIPS is a company that specializes in helmet-based safety and brain protection and is a world-leader in this area. Based on an ingredient brand model, the MIPS Brain Protection System (BPS) is sold to the global helmet industry. The solution, which is patented in all relevant markets, is based on 20 yearsโ€™ research and development together with the KTH Royal Institute of T... echnology and the Karolinska Institute in Stockholm, Sweden. The MIPS BPS is designed to add a protection in helmets against rotational motion. Rotational motion is a combination of rotational energy (angular velocity) and rotational forces (from angular acceleration). This rotational motion results in shearing and/or stretching of brain tissue which affects the brain and increases the risk of brain injuries from impact. The main component of the MIPS BPS is the MIPS low friction layer, which imitates the brainโ€™s own protection system and enables a relative motion between the head and the helmet. MIPS is an abbreviation for Multi-directional Impact Protection System and the MIPS BPS is designed to work with any impact from any angle. MIPS BPS is easy to implement in both new and existing helmet models and is sold to the global helmet industry, which integrates MIPS BPS in their helmets. This means that the helmet industry can sell a helmet with a potential protection against rotational motion, thereby differentiating the brand and creating added value. The helmet industry actively markets the benefit of the solution as well as the MIPS brand towards the end-user. Up to and including 2016, a total of 3.1 million units were sold, and these have been implemented in as many helmets, distributed among winter sports, cycling, horse riding and motor racing. Our head office is in Stockholm and our unique testing facility is also located there. The components for the solution are manufactured in China by sub-suppliers. We have established a subsidiary in China to enable smoother processes with our customers. Today, 22 employees work with sales, research and development, production and administration.

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Gaming Leisure Sporting Goods


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+46 8 12 86 40 00

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Current Employees Featured


Mattias Eidelbrekt
Mattias Eidelbrekt Marketing & Sales Professional @ MIPS AB
Marketing & Sales Professional


Johan Thiel
Johan Thiel CEO @ MIPS AB

Official Site Inspections

http://www.mipscorp.com Semrush global rank: 9.4 M Semrush visits lastest month: 163

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  • Location: Sweden
  • Latitude: 59.3247
  • Longitude: 18.056
  • Timezone: Europe/Stockholm

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