Kids Live Safe provides access to detailed profiles of registered sex offenders and provides technology based services to keep children safe from harm. Knowing who these sexual predators are, where they live, and what offenses they have committed provides you with the necessary awareness to protect your family. However, Kids Live Safe does not stop there. There are thousands of sexual predators that have not yet been caught and, therefore, are not incarcerated or registered as sex offenders. Ki... ds Live Safe provides parents and guardians with proactive tools and resources to keep kids safe from sexual predators – whether they are online or in your neighborhood. Search, Map & View Sex Offenders Search and view complete profiles of Sex Offenders living near you utilizing the mapping tool. Sex Offender Information includes photo, name, address, description, offenses, and more. Kids Live Safe provides the valuable service of gathering information from federal, state and local databases providing nationwide coverage. Screen People Kids Live Safe provides a powerful "Search by Name" feature enabling you to screen the people interacting with your children. Run the names of coaches, tutors, instructors, and anyone who interacts with your child through our Sex Offender database to ensure the people you entrust with your children are not Registered Sex Offenders. Email Alerts Your home and up to three additional locations are monitored for new Sex Offender activity. You will receive instant email alerts when a Sex Offender registers within 5 miles of any of your monitored locations. Alerts include a offender profile with photo, name, physical description, address, offenses and more. Child Emergency Response Profiles Use Kids Live Safe’s Emergency Response Profiles (ERP) to create detailed profiles of your children, including photo, height, weight, medical information and other identifying characteristics. If your child is ever lost or abducted, your child’s profile can be emailed to law enforcement for immediate recovery. Internet Filter Utilize our award winning internet filtering software. Safely monitor your children while surfing the web or chatting online. Our software also allows you to create a customized profile that can restrict internet usage, block inappropriate web sites, restrict socials networking, control pc gaming and provide parents with real-time reporting.
Apps Information Technology Internet Internet Of Things Software
Santa Barbara, California, United States
United States
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(800) 301-5905
Email Addresses:
[email protected]
Technology used in webpage:
SPF LetsEncrypt Content Delivery Network Apache Mobile Non Scaleable Content Google Apps For Business Google Maps ReCAPTCHA JsDelivr BootstrapCDN
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