Judy's Book is a search service for finding local and online coupons, sales and deals. It's kind of like that wad of coupons your grandma carries around with her but way bigger and more resourceful and you can add reviews. In 2004, [Seth Godin](http://sethgodin.typepad.com/seths_blog/2004/09/judysbook.html) called it "Craig's List meets Zagats meets Orkut." Judy's Book allows small businesses to submit their deal info, which the site publishes in a highly searchable way. Users can track item ... categories or specific local and online stores. Any online or local store can build a Judy's Book profile that users can review and rate. Users can post any deals, coupons or sales they want. They can also "enhance" previous postings with more detailed info, extra reviews or more defining tags. Everything users do is tracked on their MyDeals profile page. Judy's Book was founded in early 2004. Competitors include [Yelp](http://www.crunchbase.com/organization/yelp), [insiderpages](http://www.crunchbase.com/organization/insiderpages), [Craigslist](http://www.techcrunch.com/tag/craigslist) and [Citysearch](http://www.crunchbase.com/organization/Citysearch). The company was [deadpooled](http://www.techcrunch.com/2007/10/23/judys-book-to-shut-down-yelp-is-the-last-of-the-local-review-sites-still-standing/) in October 2007. In October 2008 Judy's book [relaunched with new owners](http://www.techcrunch.com/2008/10/27/judys-book-under-new-management-back-from-the-dead/).
Advertising E-Commerce Internet Mobile Search Engine Social Media
Seattle, Washington, United States
United States
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Email Addresses:
[email protected]
Total Funding:
10.5 M USD
Technology used in webpage:
Viewport Meta IPhone / Mobile Compatible Google Font API Google Analytics Apple Mobile Web Clips Icon WordPress Content Delivery Network Google Universal Analytics Wordpress Plugins Mobile Non Scaleable Content
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Current Advisors List
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Investors List
Mobius Venture Capital
Mobius Venture Capital investment in Series B - Judys Book
Ackerley Partners
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Ignition Partners
Ignition Partners investment in Series A - Judys Book
Official Site Inspections
http://www.judysbook.com Semrush global rank: 947.36 K Semrush visits lastest month: 37.57 K
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