
JobCannon is a online software tool that helps job seekers take control of their job search, and find leads into the hidden job market. Unlike their recruiting counterparts, job seekers have few tools available to them to successfully carry out a job search. Most job seekers, when unexpectedly thrown into the deep end of the pool during a layoff, end up devising their own ad hoc system to track all their job search information. As a result, information is often spread across a variety of to... ols and websites, and much time is spent managing this data to ensure no opportunity slips through the cracks. The time spent managing that data is time NOT spent actually finding a job. Additionally, career coaches preach that upwards of 7 of every 10 jobs are found through professional networking. However, most job seekers do not actively engage their network in the job search process. So they default to job boards, where they are in competition with hundreds or thousands of other people. JobCannon provides a CRM-style tool for job seekers to manage their contacts, companies, job postings, qualified opportunities, documents, emails, tasks, meetings, and other activities. This unified tool ensures the job seekers spends as little time as possible staying organized. JobCannon then provides email templates and an opt-in email system that enables the job seeker to request help from his/her network, and communicate during the job search. This is the link into the hidden job market where jobs are found through one's network before they are ever posted on a job board. We sell directly to individuals, with 3, 12, and 24 month prepaid memberships starting at $39.



Internet Recruiting Search Engine

Austin, Texas, United States

United States


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