IGT (Impetus Global Technology) takes pride, in the right to claim that we exist, a physical manifestation of the mission to usher the world into it's next age, confidently pressing forward, wherever the odyssey of humanity may lead. "Have we not stood here like trees in the ground long enough? Have we not grovelโd here long enough, eating and drinking like mere brutes? Have we not darkenโd and dazed ourselves with books long enough? Sail forthโsteer for the deep waters only, Reckless, O... soul, exploring, I with thee, and thou with me. For we are bound where mariner has not yet dared to go; And we will risk the ship, ourselves and all." As Founder, and CEO, I espouse that although an enormous feat, I myself, will never cease, in pursuit of the vision we dare imagine. Driven upon the existence of an earth, in which humanity itself will exist not in fear, nor poverty, neither enslaved nor misguided; an existence in which the success of ones primary caretaker's, nor locality of birth, matter not, in respect to their access of an education, with the upmost of quality. An age, where innovation and a global connectivity fosters an open, accepting, crucible of advancement; thus creating the manifestation of a world which acts for all. We are much, much more the same, as we are different. A child is born, then raised, developing a sense of self, along with a desire to feel that someone else loves that self, which is you. We all spend our lives, in this universe, doing the same thing. We live. We love. We wander about to discover ourselves. Then we die. Impetus Global Technology, stands representative, to Humanities collective voice; uttering forth a massive roar, begging to be heard, begging to be equal, begging to be saved. Saved from ourselves, our own hubris that claims any one individual be better than the next. Our research points towards two main factors being impetus to this mission; Artificial Intelligence paired with computational advance, as well as the connection of people with Actionable Insight. Through 'ARC', an AI IoT grid system never seen before, as well as numerous software platforms, released along a strategically planned timeline, we are determined to provide both. In final R&D now, we begin first-stage deployment to the clients of both our Data-Center and Professional services later this year. Laying the foundation to enable our dreams, of a better, connected world; with the data all around us, no longer viewed an operating cost, rather, a currency all its own. A currency that demands freedom, a currency that arms the masses with the knowledge of their own freedom, and most important of all, a currency that brings the realization that we are all... HUMANS... Dedication, Realization, Execution, Activation, Manifestation... DREAM to be... Impetus for Global Technology
Artificial Intelligence CRM Information Technology Internet Robotics
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