When you place an order on online food platform sometimes you have to pay for 9% of service charges and tips besides delivery fee in Australia. Based on Mckinsey Report that the last mile delivery makes up to 53% of total logistics costs on any shipment. Its like you buy a $5 breakfast but you have to pay another $5 for delivery and this is NOT ok! If you've ever been waiting for a parcel eagerly when you are home or not home but you find out the delivery person has been gone and he didn't eve... n call you or ring the bell and your parcel is just left outside of our house to weather being damaged or stolen. If any of this has ever happened to you, congratulations! You're most certainly NOT alone! So we are using autonomous robot to solve last mile delivery problems. The robot will delivery your packages or food by travelling on the sidewalk and pedestrian areas autonomously. It will be able to navigate itself to your doorstep and once the robot arrives, you can unlock the robot to pick up your package by using your phone otherwise the robot will unload the package into the Pre-installed secured safe drop automatically in front of the houses just in case failed deliveries. The robots will assist and help repetitive deliveries in the next following years. They are replacing humans and vehicles that may be doing those last one or two miles with autonomous robots. Our final goal is to reduce the delivery fee to $1. No matter how late you go home you can still get the parcel inside the secured safe box instead of driving all the way to the parcel locker just to pick up your item. You can also return your items easily at low cost, you can simply just put them back into the box and the robot will come and pick them up. This solution can provide Sunday delivery, some countries like Germany is mostly illegal to work on Sunday.
Artificial Intelligence Hardware Information Technology Robotics
Selangor, Selangor, Malaysia
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