
Founded in 1998 as MiSFiTS (the Minnesota Society for the Interest in Science Fiction and Fantasy), they have established a tradition of year-round programs by and for local geeks. From their educational initiative of bringing science into local classrooms, to a movie club, to things as simple as an ice cream social, they have always believed that there are great opportunities for service and fun, even if they have to create them. As 2009 drew to a close, they determined they could and should... become more. They believe it is time for a community institution dedicated to serving the local geek community. That means providing a facility for work and events to happen. That means building more programs and events to host in that facility. That means networking with the geeks around us to do all of this in new and exciting ways. What it really means is a community center. The idea is hardly new, but in years of dreaming, nobody has put together something like this before. There are a couple very successful science fiction clubhouses out there, and they helped inspire us to take the idea beyond the next level. Now, they think, the time is right. They are committed to making that happen, and this website will show you their progress as they go forward. The Twin Cities are, by many measures, one of the geekiest places to live in the world. It can be done, and it will be done here. Want in?

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