
Within the project „Creative Cities” Gdańsk Entrepreneurship Foundation took actions aiming at creating in Gdańsk Creative Industry Cluster. The Cluster led to the increase of Gdańsk competitiveness and attractiveness, and creating its reputation as the „Creative Valley”. Gdańsk Entrepreneurship Foundation was responsible for the coordination of SWOT analysis presenting the creative industry potential, including research on accessible infrastructure and surrounding. The SWOT ana... lysis served for status quo monitoring. The effects were actions leading to the Creative Industry Cluster lunching, and subsequently animating its development. Supporting the Cluster creation, the Creative Industry Cluster Contact Point coordinated by specially employed Cluster Manager was established. The Contact Point collected information on a) possibilities enabling entrepreneurs and their employees to develop competences, b) possibilities of acquiring financial resources for cofinancing already run projects and those yet in a planning process, and c) possibilities of business contacts initiation. Additionally Gdańsk Entrepreneurship Foundation was engaged in working out the tactical marketing programme for the Gdańsk Creative Industry Cluster and its members, and in raising competences of the Creative Industry Cluster managers and cooperating local institutions. In cooperation with the City of Gdańsk the campaign Creative Gdańsk! was conducted. The campaign promoted Gdańsk as the place accurate for creative industry companies cooperation and eager for supporting their development and market competitiveness in all dimensions.

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Investments List

Date Company Article Money raised
2014-07-19 Fashionote Gdansk Entrepreneurship Foundation investment in Seed Round - Fashionote 30 K PLN
2014-07-19 dr Poket Inc Gdansk Entrepreneurship Foundation investment in Seed Round - dr Poket Inc 35 K USD
2014-07-19 SIP Gdansk Entrepreneurship Foundation investment in Seed Round - SIP 30 K PLN
2014-07-19 Pin Your Client Gdansk Entrepreneurship Foundation investment in Seed Round - Pin Your Client 30 K PLN
2014-07-19 StructView Gdansk Entrepreneurship Foundation investment in Seed Round - StructView 40 K PLN
2014-07-19 Pressium Gdansk Entrepreneurship Foundation investment in Seed Round - Pressium 30 K PLN

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