EXPERTNEWS - follow news from experts you trust on topics you care is an idea of the newspaper of the future. If this model succeeds, it can fundamentally shift the power in the news business from the publishing companies to the individual editors/authors/experts and can encourage quality journalism. also bridges the gap between "professional" journalists and "amateur" bloggers - you are either an "expert" for your topics or you are not based on your stories and... not based on your pay check. expertnews uses a facebook-style feed-view to show users the news that are most relevant to them. Users can customize their feed by following experts (i.e. a single person from a newspaper or a complete blog) from the expert directory with a single click on "follow" or by adding their own experts. uses both the RSS-feed and twitter of the expert as data sources (more data sources (facebook, ...) can be also be added later). Main Features in overview: 1. Follow news in a simple feed format (which you are used to from facebook) 2. Discover the best an most important sources/experts for your topics in the expert directory 3. Compile expert teams around specific topics (e.g. Hamburg or iphone development) and share them 4. Share and comment your stories easily via facebook and/or twitter Since has the technology to take out single experts/authors from a complete newspaper RSS-feeds, authors/experts/editors get more bargaining power: Users no longer "buy the newspaper" - they follow individual editors who they trust in specific topics. Users can be their own "publishing house" and compile their own editorial staff. If authors/experts change their employer, they will take their "followers" with them. Therefore since individual authors are more visible and rewarded by earning followers, quality journalism is encouraged. In short: combines the best of twitter, RSS and a rated experts/authors directory. - simplicity from twitter: follow experts by simply clicking on "follow" (easier than copy+paste RSS link) - rich data from google reader: Having pictures and a few more lines of text is nicer than a shortened url on twitter - "qype for authors/experts": find the most relevant experts for your topics - social graph from twitter and facebook: no need to establish new "friendships". just go to to check out an early alpha version
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