
The Europe China Foundation is a platform for dialogue between European and Chinese leaders of today and tomorrow. It is a not-for-profit organisation encourages the development of relationships between European and Chinese leaders, to stimulate their interest in the other country and to inspire them to set up joint projects. OUR MISSION​ To perpetuate more than two regions of shared ideals and friendship; to build lasting, practical working ties; and to advance solutions to problems of shar... ed concern. A robust transatlantic relationship is critical in today’s world.   OUR BELIEF Unique among cross-cultural organizations linking Europe and China, the Europe China Foundation’s programs construct a vertical line through diverse groups of leaders, policymakers and professionals from business, government, the military, media, academia, the not for profit and cultural sectors. Engagement along this axis creates an innovative intersection of ideas and experience, and promotes open minds and productive dialogue. OUR PROGRAM Its main activity consists of organising an annual Sino-European «Young Leaders» program, which takes place alternately in China and in Europe. This 10 days brings together about 20 highly talented leaders from China and Europe who are selected for their outstanding political, economic or cultural backgrounds. All along the year, the Europe China Foundation organizes Sino-European events, with either a business, political, cultural or academic focus. These events take place in Europe or in China, facilitating dialogue between European and Chinese leaders. Français: La Europe China Foundation a été créée à 2008. Elle a pour vocation de favoriser le développement de liens durables et amicaux entre personnalités européennes et chinoises, de stimuler leur intérêt pour l’autre pays et d’encourager la création de projets conjoints. Son activité principale consiste à organiser un programme d'échange qui a pour objectif de favoriser les échanges entre de très hauts potentiels chinois et européen issus d’horizons variés (économie, politique, culture et médias) qui seront amenés à jouer un rôle important dans leur pays ou dans les relations européen-chinoises et internationales. Tout au long de l’année, la Europe China Foundation organise des événements européen-chinois portant sur le monde des affaires, la politique, la culture, les sciences et l’éducation. Ces événements ont lieu à Paris ou en Chine, permettant ainsi de faciliter le dialogue entre personnalités européennes et chinoises de premier plan. L’initiative a déjà reçu un soutien politique et institutionnel fort dans les deux pays, notamment au travers de son Conseil Stratégique, qui réunit des personnalités de premier plan en Europe et en Chine.

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Brussels, Brussels Hoofdstedelijk Gewest, Belgium


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[email protected]

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Current Employees Featured


Yingzi Yuan
Yingzi Yuan Executive President @ Europe-China Foundation
Executive President



Yingzi Yuan

Newest Events participated

china-britain-trade-expo-2019_event_image Participated in China Britain Trade Expo 2019 on 2019-01-18 as exhibitor

chinajoy-2018_event_image Participated in ChinaJoy 2018 on 2018-08-03 as contestant

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