
EMOJ was born in February 2017 from the inspiration of five young researchers of the Polytechnic University of Marche and two visionary businessmen, who believed that the only way to include, engage and connect Customers to the Shopping Experience is through the knowledge and continuous learning of emotions and the creation of adaptive reactions to them. EMOJ offers HW and SW solutions able to analyze emotions in real time, map them to the Customer Journey and translate them into a digital exper... ience that emotionally connect people with the sensing space where they move. Most of today sensing and interactive environments are provided with cognitive intelligence but not with emotional one. What would happen if a music sounds or the light turns on or a digital content on our smartphone based on our felt emotions? Finally, we could live in a world of shared emotions and in a space of real social interaction. The main goal of EMOJ is to make the experience of visiting a place and shopping so pleasant, engaging, funny and emotional to leave a vivid memory of it and push coming back and repurchasing. In this context, EMOJ proposes advanced technologies of Emotional Data Analytics and Intelligence able to capture and understand costumersโ€™ emotions and behaviors and react in real time with tailored services and interactive spaces. EMOJ customers can finally know their consumers, investigate their shopping preferences and attitudes, and understand the motivations for their actions and decision-making. EMOJ also proposes technologies to cocreate an interactive and sensing space per what the consumer feels and does. All solutions aim to increase the degree of consumerโ€™s satisfaction and loyalty. It operates in several markets, from Smart Retail to Travel & Hospitality, till Museums. EMOJ is the winner of the Italian Awards TILT, ECAPITAL and IOT AWARD for 2017. EMOJ exploits recent results in the fields of Deep Learning, 3D vision and Video Analysis to propose two main product line: - EMOTRACK, that is a software platform for Proximity Emotion Tracking and Big Data Analytics to capture and understand customersโ€™ emotions and behavors through the nstallation of RGB-D and 4K Pro video cameras, optical sensors and microphones. - ETrack that is a software development toolkit (SDK) and cloud-based APIs to detect emotions and eye fixation on web pagines and mobile applications and respond to user's emotions in real time by creating adaptive contents, advertisements, events. It adds emotion awarness to apps, games and other products. - REACTION toolkit able to activate and control a set of connected devices for the creation of an interactive space and/or for the supply of tailored services based on the analyzed Big Data. The aim of the Reaction Toolkit is to create a pleasant, involving and engaging experience of the store and increase the customerโ€™s satisfaction. The reactions regard changes and adaptations of the space where the customer is moving such as the color of lights, the sound tracks, environmental perfumes and the application of video mapping techniques on the floor, ceiling and walls. At the same time the data can be elaborated to send to the customer coupons, offerings, prized via sms or via app notifications. The EMOBOX project is part of the EMOTRACK line, focusing on the development of a unique and standalone box to monitor both Customer Behaviour, Eye Fixation and Emotion in an integral and synchrounous way. The Box and its analytics dashboard are able to provide a complete description of the Customer Journey Map to support the design of successful Shopping Experience clues and the creation of adaptive reaction of the sensible store. The box contains a RGB-4k camera, an optical sensor, a microphone, a wi-fi router and a microprocessor. The dashboard displays clusterized statistical data about the behavior tracks, the emotional curve and areas of observation and gives a synthetic visualization of the Customer Journey in the store. The output is a map of the Customer Journey, a detail of the Heatmap (areas of most eye fixation) and an Emotional Curve for each touchpoint. The base for the statistical elaboration of the achieved Big Data is an Emotional Analyzer, a Behaviour Analyzer and a module for Motion and Fixation Detection. The advantages to apply EMOJ solutions are several: to improve the attention at driving in case the system detects boredom or distraction, to automate video surveillance by increasing the safety operatorsโ€™ effectiveness, to improve the comfort and ergonomics of workbenches if the system detects wrong postures or iterate movements, to increase the level of satisfaction and appreciation of the shopping experience, to adapt digital contents for video games, e-commerce platforms, store windows according to the captured sex, age emotion, area of observation and position of the customer.

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