
d, an AIaaS company, enables organizations to use artificial intelligence, by providing them with the tools and the data to train machine learning models efficiently. We have an ecosystem of AI-as-a-Service (AIaaS) and Data-as-a-Service (DaaS) tools that gathers data from multiple data sources, from open to proprietary and to our partnerships. We enable the creation of a 360 view, allowing organizations to easily leverage on high quality ready-to-use datasets to build AI based solutions with a w... orld perception more close to our own. To fill-in the gaps of this view, we have also our own data-source: Harvester, a gamification-based application that rewards users to use the application throughout their day. It is GDPR compliant since it does not collect any personal information, and people empowering, as it gives users control of when to allow data collection and earn from it. We strongly believe that the conscious use of data must start with the data curators and, as a DaaS provider, we designed our pipelines and even the resulting datasets, in a secure way, such that the use of private data is no longer an issue. Through the application of AI techniques in our pipelines, we are able to create new synthetic data similar to the original one, that besides guaranteeing users privacy, itโ€™s not proprietary. Both the Data Anonymizer and Synthetic Data Generator tools are part of our AIaaS portfolio. Our solutions are fully cloud-based, allowing us to easily scale and grow with our data storage and processing needs. We ensure that we can quickly serve organizations to leverage AI to innovate and reinvent their business without having to worry with data collection, engineering and ownership. Moreover, our Data Market is equipped with friendly data visualization tool that allows our clients to have a quick sneak peek into them before buying, making the process of purchasing data much easier and user friendly.

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