
More than financing alone! The Brussels Regional Investment provides financial support for the creation, reorganization and expansion of private corporations located in the Brussels Capital Region. The G.I.M.B. is an investment company with an overall mission that is open to the vast majority of economic sectors. Application through its own funds or quasi-equity funds helps GIMB SMEs in their creation and development: it brings about a financial leverage, to the extent that its interventi... on allows companies to obtain bank financing easier. Interventions are tailored to the specific nature of each project, either in the form of an investment in capital (minority interest) or in the form of a loan. Besides the investment in the strict sense, the company strives to be the promoters at any time to monitor and assist their company when a decision must be taken. Currently receive more than 350 Brussels companies, which insure thousands of workshops, support GIMB and its affiliates.

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Investments List

Date Company Article Money raised
2017-10-18 proUnity Brustart investment in Funding Round - proUnity 400 K EUR
2016-12-01 MuuseLabs Brustart investment in Seed Round - MuuseLabs N/A
2016-03-20 Skwarel Brustart investment in Angel Round - Skwarel 800 K EUR
2014-09-12 Swan Insights Brustart investment in Seed Round - Swan Insights 850 K EUR
2012-04-17 Collibra Brustart investment in Series A - Collibra 1000 K EUR
2009-01-01 Collibra Brustart investment in Seed Round - Collibra 1.2 M EUR

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