ATTRACT VENTURES - Play ,Compete, Win Cash Daily and Monthly is a contest website where players win daily and monthly cash by playing 3 simple games Game 1 is Admemory(Watch an Ad and Answer a question based on the Ad) or a Memory Game ( Match 8 pairs) in the minimum time Game 2 is Knowledge(Answer a question based on the category of your choice like NFL,NBA,TRAVEL etc) or a Word Search Game ( Find 7 words ) in the shortest time Game 3 is a Dart Game where you have 6 ar... rows and you need to get the maximum score A player whose combined score of all 3 games is highest that day wins that days prize money and a players whose consolidated monthly score is highest that month wins that Monthly Prize Money Daily and Monthly Prize Money Increases from time to time as number of players increase and in the future we will be running contests everyhour, you can earn recurring cash for referring your friends upto 5 levels, refer once and make money anytime anyone wins Players pay nothing to play and win, is supported by Advertisers, and payment is made via paypal. Its simple and Exciting - Play, Compete , Win cash daily and Monthly
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Investments List
Date | Company | Article | Money raised |
2014-06-19 | Compliance Innovations | Attract Ventures investment in Series A - Compliance Innovations | N/A |