AIR Business Consulting is located in Gaithersburg, MD and is becoming the firm of choice in the greater D.C. area when large companies are looking for increased profitability and results that will be sustainable. This firm builds their reputation on the attitude they put forth in their work, the integrity that drives their behaviors and the results that they inevitably gain for their clients. To understand their business it is vital that you understand their beliefs. At AIR Business Consult... ing, every employee, from the C.E.O. down to the newest account executive operate with the same values. This is one of the reasons why their team has been so successful collaborating on huge client projects. They believe that regardless of circumstances, their attitude will directly correlate to the success or failure that they endure. Additionally, it is something that they are well aware that is in their control. Something so seemingly simple, yet difficult to master, is one basic concept that sets the tone for their company. With having the freedom to work independently as well as a part of the team, management often takes a hands off approach, allowing them to empower their people. In order for this method to work, (which it has proven to), integrity must be at the forefront of their values. Doing the right thing, even when nobody is around to see, is the number rule at this Gaithersburg-based firm. By doing so, there is a level of trust amongst co-workers, customers and clients that is hard to go un-noticed. Lastly, the results that AIR Business Consulting brings to their clients speaks loud and clear. They increase profitability by generating new business and providing solutions for some of the largest companies in the United States that will allow them to sustain continual growth. With a team dedicated to the growth of their clients, a domino effect ultimately ensues. With continually delivering high quality results, their own firm grows substantially as well. This also provides the employees opportunities for career advancement based on their contributions to said growth. The circle of life at this firm is complete with all parties having an equal benefit to giving their best effort on every task.
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Gaithersburg, Maryland, United States
United States
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Current Employees Featured
Elena Chikhlyaeva President @ AIR Business Consulting
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